Take the leap and keep going

Congratulations on your extremely hard fought year!! If I look up preserverance, I think I would find YOU! :grin: Way to stick with it and fight for your self and your health!!! :heart:

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Hey! How you’ve been?
It was indeed easier to be around people like you in hard days.
How you doing these days ?

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Thanks @SassyRocks , always there to cheer up on the community !

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Hi! I’m in a depressed phase at the moment, but I will be ok. I’m alive and sober, so that’s a win for today.

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Argh that sucks. Never really gets use to it… living with depression can be very soul sucking. I feel you.

I hope you’ll find some ways to self-soothe.

Self-compassion is hard to ignite, but does have significant outcomes on self-depriving and self-depressiative thoughts and behaviours…

I do send you my compassion for these feelings of emptiness and depressive waves :ocean:

One moment at a time, one foot towards what can make us feel a lil’ better or at least a lil’ more ok with being.


Thank you! All my feelings point to the contrary, but I know that sooner or later I will come out on the other side.