Take the leap and keep going

Checking in on day 62.
It might be no big deal for some - well it’s life changing for me.
Last time I used I hurt myself bad. I was wishing I was dead almost every day.
That was obviously not what I told myself couple weeks or months before when started to drink more heavily: it was to get high, to change my mind, to calm down some anxiety, to have fun (most of time alone), to forget. I was aware that drinking was a problem. I had a couple of sobriety attempts before since 2018, which the only notables ones were 50 and 198 days - and they were some high achievements moments in terms of health, sports, academia, work, relationships.

But in the last year I turned my head around and avoided that problem. It wasn’t that bad after all, I told myself. I was drinking often but was too busy in life to let it sink in too much. I was also in an early relationship so I wanted to be a good overall person. But slowly, it came back. After a long autumn of working hard, during Christmas times, I restarted drinking bad. But you know, everything was normalized because there was partys after partys, and like, morning drinking was ok you know. Well, I kind of never left that state and habits of drinking after that Christmas time: the secret-drinking. I remember my mornings, before going to work, walking in the streets and hiding behind containers to chug beers - me, a normal dude.

Feelings all over the place and adding up the isolation from confinement, I soon became just a full time drunk. I went from a caregiver, healthy boyfriend and brother and friend, to a couch drinker who, at the end, just wanted his life to end. I was stuck in the circle habit of drinking, and it kept the feelings and shame hitting on me everyday. I still got the chill as I write this in the same room I used to be so tortured by the ideas of drinking…

Everyday I would wake up with the best intentions. Sometime with a plan, sometime not. I have had tons of explications for my behaviors and tried moderation, exposition, focusing on calories intake, learn and practice a new philosophy… anything to make me be able to control my drinking. Damn I wished moderation… But drinking became such an habit, that it has been associated with almost everything in my days and week so I just couldn’t go a day without it: tired of working on computer? cheer it up with some beers; tired? drink; exited? drink; bored? drink; feeling any feeling? drink; go out? drink; stay in? drink; hungry? drink; morning? drink; afternoon? drink; alone? drink; …you get the picture (and you know it well).

How to get out of this circle of habits and associations?
Damn it’s so hard. I’ve failed so many times. What is the point anyway… The urge is so strong and there seems to be nothing else to make it go away, apart from starting again in the next morning. Tomorrow will be better… As I write this, again and still, some images of drinking pop-up in my head because it rewires the associations I’ve made so many time with those thoughts and behaviors of going to grocery and say “Fuck this”. I was and still am some time afraid of those images of drinking. It is called learned reactions to visualizations, or learned helplessness… As I was sitting in my couch, feeling the cravings, the reaction would be to just go and get some drinks. But after awhile, consequences came from this behavior: depression, shameful actions, etc. So when in the morning I said that I wouldn’t drink today, when the craving came or even just the idea of drinking, it triggered that part of me who would usually go to the stores and say “fuck this” - but as I knew this would led to a shit show and as I knew I didn’t want to drink, I already felt the shameful feelings and the depression that would come out of it. But guess what, those shameful feelings and depression were also associated with going out to the stores and say “fuck this”… because I have done it so many times, it became a learned reactions too…

So, How to get out of this circle of habits and associations?
Gotta take a leap out of it.
This ain’t going to be easy. Before feeling good, there is a big moment of feeling like shit. In any change there is discomfort - so be sure that in the change that include an addictive behavior, there will be discomfort. That is why I had to relay on something bigger than me, something bigger than those feelings and cravings. Something outside and inside of me at the same time. Something different. Totally different. I knew I wanted to change but didn’t know how. So I tried something.

I would like to share now what I think was the big parts of why my recovery works better now that it has before:

  • “I won’t drink today, whatever it takes.” That phrase is now considered for me evolutive. In the sens that for the first day, the “whatever it takes” had a different meaning than the rest of the first week, and the one after, and the rest of the month, and the second month. For example, the first week I was basically letting myself be on the couch, watching Netflix, calling off work, eating anything I wanted, drinking any sugars and basically do anything to keep me from drinking, and having in mind that I could call my mother or my girlfriend to come and see me, or even bring me to the hospital - anything. I have done that for almost a week. After it, the “whatever it takes” evolved differently. For example, now that I am working, working out, eating well, having different project, I know that if I come back from work and feel like drinking or that I feel too much pressure and I think I would need a drink to get through my day or the paper I am working on, I have put in place different ways to do “whatever it takes” to not drink. I would put a list down after this, but I often told myself that at the very least I can always call it a day off, and it reminds me that all this stress and work that I do wouldn’t even be possible for me to feel and accomplish if I was drinking - so taking a day or night off or even a week-end to do anything else will always be a possibility. If stoping to drink is the first thing you do, there has to be an action to which you can replace it in a way at the begining. Brain works better with action than inaction (“not drinking”). So writing down everything I can do instead of drinking was something I had to work on and to which I encourage everyone. I’ll put down my list of means I’ve find as my go-to’s if ever I get cravings.

  • Psychotherapy. Can’t name every aspects in which it has helped me in my life so far. But if you can afford it, do it. If you don’t like your therapist, change it. The relation is the number one factor of a successful psychotherapy. Go after that and work the process.

  • Outpatient therapy for addiction and therapy. Maybe the first week or so is something you are use to do sober by yourself. Maybe you can talk to people in your entourage and that’s cool. But is there someone to which you can deeply talk and be accountable about your objective about alcohol? Someone who can actually ask you the questions people won’t necessarily ask you? Questions that you avoid yourself? To give you homework you would just never do by yourself because, well just because? It has been a game changer for me. I would pass all the benefits I had to just name 3 things:

  1. Fixing a goal about alcohol. For me, it is abstinence.

  2. Writing a Framework of benefits and disadvantages of Drinking versus the benefits and disadvantages of Change.To help to see the “why” under that goal, and keep the focus on it, this exercice was a real game changer for me. Take a piece of paper and write all the advantages of drinking. Right next to it, write all the disadvantages of drinking. After that write all the advantages of change. Then write the disadvantages of change. After that, you put the piece of paper on a wall or somewhere you can see it often - like, everyday. This isn’t an optional part of the exercice: this is what this is all about. Brain works better with frequent exposition to what you want out of it. I put it on the shelf of my library which is in front of my office desk beside my working computer, so it is always in my field of vision. So every time I have a craving and see and advantage to drinking in my head, right beside it I instantly see the huge list of disadvantages, but more importantly I see all the advantages I got from changing. It has now became automatic: when I have a craving, I see all that come with it, where it could lead me and what I can accomplish instead. You will be surprised how that simple exercice can change your view and be helpful the next time you want to pickup.

  3. Writing down what is supporting the short, mid and long term goal of abstinence: What do you want out of your life? Take a piece of paper (or a couple of them) and write down all that come out of your mind. Writing isn’t an option, this is how it works. Putting words out of your mind and put it out so you can come back to it. For me it consisted of taking time to search in my mind and write what are my principles, my values, my visions of life and what are my goals in different areas in my life. I come back to this very often now even when feeling uncertain about things that aren’t related to addiction at all.

  4. Make a list of things to do when you have a craving. So here is my list.

  • Talk. To my family, to my friends.
  • Breathe.
  • Active training (weightlifting, cycle, run, swim…)
  • Passive training (stretching, yoga, meditation…)
  • Cuddle.
  • Listen to podcast or music.
  • Daily chores or funky chores
  • Read.
  • Go to the library.
  • Shop books online.
  • Search articles online.
  • Talking Sober.
  • Take bath.
  • Play music.
  • Sing.
  • Cry.
  • Write (journal, poetry, anything).
  • Draw.
  • Cook.
  • Work on a personal project/creative work.
  • Work on a academic project/work project.
  • Watch a movie.
  • Eat. Anything.
  • Drink something sparkling/sweet/sour.
  • Procrastinate on internet.
  • Watch funny videos.
  • Take a nap.
  • Watch pictures or videos of friends and family.
  • Read my recovery homework (advantages/disadvantags; principles, values and goals).
  • Go to bed.
    When going out or with people:
  • bring my own n/a drinks and food.
  • talk and announce that I won’t drink.
  • anticipate a walkout plan or a pause according to the environment.
  • ask someone to check in on me/to be accountable to
  • anticipate some entertainment.

So this is where I am today. Today is a long day alone for me so I took time to work on my recovery by writing all this and share it. As I am now in so much better shape, physically but especially mentally, I can relay on more “normals” means to keep feeling good most of the time, but there are some days that I still need to just cancel the day and sit in discomfort and go back to basic. Today will be one of those day. Taking care of myself and not putting too much pressure on me.

Hopefully this could be helpful for someone out there.
Wish you all a good day!


I can honestly say that it’s been a pleasure watching your growth friend.
You really have had a major turn around and I would say are a valued member of this community.
Well done!


I’d say I had more time being down than up while using this platform since almost 2.5 years, but it does feel different this time around.
But I’ve learned a lot on here. I thank you for the support you gave me and continue to give to a lot of people here. I find it hard to give back as much as I got from here. But I think it’s important to take the time to at least try to give back. If one post here and there can help someone for one day, that’s the least and best I can hope.
Thank you Geo.


I can relate to the idea of action vs inaction. For me just saying “I’m not going to drink.” wouldn’t hold up for too long. That was more of the white knuckle approach and focusing too much on what I couldn’t do. I’ve found it easier to accept that I don’t drink. When drinking became not an option anymore, it freed me up to find other ways to use my time and energy. I stopped spending my energy on “not drinking” and started using it proactively on developing as a person.

I always appreciate your presence here. Thanks for sharing yourself.


Thank you, @WCan . That was really food for thought. A lot of these thoughts and ideas have been vaguely taking shape at the back of my mind for months --years perhaps. You have our into words what I still hadn’t been able to.

And congrats on your days and months sober!


It was really helpful to read, I bookmarked it so I can return later.
You do work on your sobriety and you’re doing awesome!


Thanks Tomek.
I felt for you when you relapsed last week.
You were just one day ahead of me and as you wrote that you’ve fell off the track for a bit I knew that I was always at one day away of drinking or not drinking. The only day that matter is today, because time do its thing and help us through the process of life.
I wish you peace through your process.


I have to agree with Geoff, watching your growth has been a pleasure for me too. Your hard work and determination is paying off. You are such an asset to this community. Keep it up.


Well done keep us posted on your journey wish you well

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Clearly it IS a big deal, over two months is a real triumph because you’re still in that phase of your sobriety where your mind and body are readjusting. It’s a difficult time and you are showing a lot of bravery, perseverance, and insightful introspection during what can be a pretty difficult period of time. You should be proud. :slight_smile:


Great post! I like your list at the end of it: what to do when you have cravings. I made a list like that 2 years ago and it kept me sober since!! :confetti_ball:
Keep going! :facepunch:


I found your post really helpful. There are a few things on your list that I have now added to mine. This journey is a hard one at times and I’m so glad that I am on it with you and all the other fab folks on here. Thank you for sharing this, it wonderful to see how much different it is this time around. Sending you peace my friend :pray:t2::two_hearts:


I remember we both started (again) two months ago. I’m so glad to see you’re doing well, thanks for putting what helps you into writings, it’s very helpful!
I really like the idea of also writing down the pros and cons of sobriety. I only did that for (not) drinking, but it is so much more positive to focus on what the gains are.
Have a wonderful day!


@anon28001181 It’s a pleasure to share this journey with you man. You close to that triple digits man it’s amazing to see you go.
@Lisa07 @Ray_M_C_Laren @Ahn-Uv @SoberWalker @Blondie1x , thank you all for your words. Although I made that post to share my steps from a beginner (at sobriety this time) perspective, I can’t help but be cheered up by your posts of encouragements. Very happy myself to be part of this community.

@Merryshoes I am very happy if this could’ve help you to put word onto certain feelings. I think what help the most for it is to take the time to write. In our 2020 world we take a lot of time to read and learn informations from all around the world - we have the world in our pockets with our cellphones and can basically have access to anything we choose to put our attention on. I realized that I spend alot more time reading and informing myself about stuff from the outside than I spend time looking at myself and create from within. I realized I spend more time looking for answers outside instead of trying to make my owns. I’m not saying you’re doing so, but your post made me realize that another game changer for me in my recovery this time was, and still is, to take the time to work on the table myself and commit myself to the encounter of my self, to see what would come out of it. Anyways, I’m happy this could help. Keep us posted!

@Naomi Yes this was really a game changer for me. Switching from “not drinking” to “the gains of sobriety”. Clearly I always saw sobriety in a perspective of privation or restriction. When I’d stop I’d be telling myself “Man I can’t believe I’ll not be drinking at birthdays, New Years, my weddings, or just enjoying some goods while eating and partying sometimes.” That was one of the big thing that kept me away from considering going sober and staying sober for so long: I was only seeing what I’d LOOSE.

Doing this paperwork made me really realize how much more I’d gain with sobriety than with booze into my life. Not only quantitatively, but qualitatively I’d be having much more. Maybe I’ll take the time to transcript and translate those two exercices one day and share it to give an idea. I’ll put in on my list of go-to’s if I’m having a craving again :wink:
Happy to see you still here. How are you doing?


@WCan How are you doing?

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Hey it’s going very well, thank you for asking. I’ve red your post yesterday and thoughts about drinking during Christmas mountain hiking. I think it’s interesting you’ve used the term “take a break” while thinking about using again. I am confident you’re not intentionally planning on it, because I understand what you mean, kind fo like a slow-underground-subconcious machine that start to slowly induce the idea of drinking at the back of the head…
Today I am, like you I assume, 91 days sober and last night I had a drinking dream. Let me tell you something it was nothing close to a break! Felt horrible. I was like going onto a trip in a bus for a birthday of my friend, and I wanted to drink secretly during the tour. Got drunk before, arrived late and missed the bus. I drove to the place for the tour, and tried to find booze before the tour even if I was late. Didn’t find any drinks, and I haven’t find my friend either. After the tour, because I missed the first bus I didn’t know how it worked to go back with the bus. So instead of asking how, because I was ashamed, I went to the groceries and buy a bottle of wine. I walked a mile and realized it was broken. I went back and bought another one. Then I got back home somehow and my mom was heading to my place. So before she arrived I tried to drink as much as I could before she came. And then, with all the worst feelings combined of having lost my friend, my day and some dignity, my mother asked me how many days that I got sober… I was back to 0.

For me this dream is just a taste of what taking of break from sobriety will look like for me: let myself be obsessed and controlled again by a substance instead of letting myself living life on life’s terms. Let me tell you that I am very happy to have wake up sober from this dream.

Life is beautiful. Enjoy it :slight_smile:


This is a fantastic thread, I love your original post! A good one to bookmark for yourself and maybe to add as your ‘highlighted’ post or whatever that is called in our profile. So informative and encouraging!! Well done on your 91!!

And yes, that feeling after a dream of all that disappointment…ugh…no thanks!!


Ah yes, those drunk dreams and the feelings of shame… Especially about drinking in secret. I’m glad I don’t have those feelings in real life anymore.
I am definitely not planning on drinking, but I have noticed it’s so important to be vigilant and keep on working on sobriety.
Good to see you still rock! :facepunch::100:


Checking in, day 366.

I was about to write a long thread about my one year anniversary and talk about my plan to get sober and staying in continuous recovery since last September - but then I remembered this thread that I’ve made couple of months ago. I am very happy to see that I’ve sticked to my plan and it worked.

Since this is a non-AA path that I’ve taken, I thought some people might be interested in what can look a non-AA plan that can actually works (at least for me, and at least for 366 days - it’s still one day at a time, and some time one breath at a time).

I thought I’d made a huge post and reflect on my last year for my anniversary, but it happens to be a Wednesday and I am sinked into work since I’m back to school this week. Probably going to post some reflections in the next few days here and there.

I really think I couldn’t have made it if I haven’t got this community in the very beginning of my recovery path that started in 2017-2018. Last year at that very same date I was struggling every day to get up and get to bed sober (or even just get home without going into a bar or groceries). This place have been my safe place for months until I got some more control over myself (with therapy, outside patient addiction counseling and lots of self réflexion and behaviours/life changes).

I’d always be thankful.
Grateful to still be sober.
I wish everyone a better day today than yesterday, à sober day, one day at a time.


Congratulations! I’m glad we started together a year ago and you kept going (unlike me). We had great conversations, it has been always good to read your posts. Thanks for sharing!

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