Talking Sober is Better Than Facebook

I really like this community because I feel like I’m a part of something authentic, connecting with supportive people and a place where I can ‘really’ be me.


Welcome! Glad your here!

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Defo can relate. Glad you feel at home here! :pray: Facebook can f right off haha! :wink:

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For me this community has been the difference between failure and success. I hope it can be for you too Coyote! I think it can. The more the stronger we are. Alone it’s all too much. Welcome to you!


Thank you for your kind words. :butterfly:


Welcome Coyote!! This community has allowed me to express my true authentic self without any judgment. I’ve been able to share struggles that people can relate to. I’ve gotten the best advice and reading other’s experiences has given me hope.


Hell yeah!

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Welcome aboard Coyote. Glad to have you.
Great people and great support found here.

Never done it never will.

Hope to see you around.


100% I quit Facebook the day I quit drinking. I dont miss either.

I’m with you… no facebook account, no instagram, no linkedin, no twitter… I have a phone number AND and e-mail address.
If anyone needs to get in touch with me, they have two good options !
Sod Fuckerberg and Dorkey and all the rest of them… but then, that’s just my view.


I still use Twitter though. It use to drive me crazy. But I’ve learned and drew some boundaries. There’s actually a nice support group I hang out with sometimes called #recoveryposse
Oh and the cute animal pics and memes.
But otherwise. I’m with ya.

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Instead, my Facebook is gone and it’s brilliant :blush: