Telling Family and Friends (My Story)

Today was a good day…better than the last few days tbh.

I came home to Detroit, where I felt at home…something I haven’t allowed myself to feel in a long time. I feel a connection here, I think it has a lot to do with me opening myself up. I’m hoping this process will allow me to begin reconneting with my family

I told my mom about my struggles with drinking, she was extremely supportive and even knew that there was an issue before I mentioned it, typical of a mom! She did mention how my drinking as affected her, and how she mentally prepared herself to get a phone call that I was dead, everytime I went out…which broke my heart… if nothing else, that’s my motivation to quit drinking…I never want to make my mom feel like that again

I also told two of my friends about my soberity chase…they were extremely supportive, and I could tell it has and will bring us together. They have shown me their care, by being attentive and showing compassion. They want to make sure I feel loved and supported without feeling as if they are suffocating me.

Im excited for Day 4!

Sending Love, Light, Positive Vibrations :sparkles:


Sounds like a wonderful homecoming! Congrats on your sobriety!

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Congrats! It feels so hard to tell people, but then once you do it’s like a ton of weight gets lifted off of your shoulders. Proud of you!


When i told my Mum that i think i has a drink problem ,she said i know son have done for years, she went and lifted the phone and phones AA office got a contact and i had to go meet him , that was over 35 years ago , god bless her in heaven now ,


Congrats on your 4 days! :tada: I’m happy you had such a positive experience going home. I wish it could be like this for everyone.

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Day 4.5

Today was going good, until my Dad (Who is an alcoholic, but won’t ever admit to being an alcoholic) asked to talk to me. He brought up my sobriety, assuming my mom mentioned to him, and he pretty much dismissed my sobriety journey, insinuating that I don’t have a drinking problem.

He wasn’t promoting me to drink, but he said if I drank at home (Home with family for holidays) that it wouldn’t be an issues, or my parents wouldn’t look at me differently

Then he mentioned how alcohol is going to always be around, especially as I continue to grow my career in business

It was extremely comfortable for me, and I feel raw right now

As if, me acknowledging I have a drinking problem wasn’t enough for him to just support me

The conversation emphasized why I’m on this journey…I don’t want to be like my father!

I don’t want to have the relationship with my child that I do with my father

Took a break from this, and I do feel better, I gained some well needed support and praise (not regarding my soberity) from a work colleague, that helped me be more grounded

Sending Love, Light, and Positive Vibrations


Oh how wonderful! :blush:

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Thank You Tracey​:heart::sparkles: