Telling friends / important people in my life

Hi there, I’m 23 and brand new to the process of recovery. I’ve been using for about 10 years and I haven’t really told anyone who isn’t sober themselves about my intention to stop. I have basically socially isolated myself because I know seeing friends or family there will be alcohol present and I’m pretty sure I would have a very difficult time controlling myself. I would like people in my life to know eventually, because sitting here alone this weekend sober with my intense emotions for the first time in a decade feels very foreign and unsustainable. I’m afraid of relapsing and looking like a fool to my friends and people in my life who don’t have a problem. Any input on a safe time frame to clue family/friends in would be really useful, thank you!


Sure, I vote now… accountability is a huge part of staying sober. We cannot beat this alone, addiction always wins in secrecy. The bigger your net the less chance you fall. Welcome to the group :slightly_smiling_face:


Please embrace the sober you and feel grateful and happy that you are no longer drinking… for whatever the reason(s). Congrats to you for quitting at 23.
I quit at 27 and Never. Once. Regretted. It. Hopefully this will be the case with you, too.
I think often the newly sober want to think that there is something wrong with them to have wanted to quit and then yes, quit drinking. You could or could not have a huge drinking problem, it does not matter, it was your CHOICE to quit drinking.
If your family and friends see you having a problem with alcohol I would hope that they would be supportive. Lots of times that does not happen.
I truly believe that most people have a problem with alcohol, whether they believe so or not. Ask any of these drinkers to quit forever and if there is a hesitation on their part then they have a problem too, in my opinion.

Your question was when to tell them. Now, when you are more comfortable… it does not have to be an elaborate explanation, just what you want to share and if you want support from them, ask for it.

You also said that you are afraid that you will start drinking.
I think it is important for you to talk here on the forum about how you are hoping to maintain your sobriety.

There is lots of support here for you. Accountability on the “Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus” is a good place to start.
Get involved, interact, get support and give support.

Staying home on a Saturday night is a good start and hopefully after awhile you will feel comfortable out again.

Congrats on making the change. Welcome to the site.


Oh wow, thank you so much for this response! That was a really nice was to reframe it and reflect because i do feel that maybe because of my age part of me is in a state of shame about this problem I have. Like guilt I let it get to be a problem, when really the odds of the problem were stacked against me all along. I’m still figuring out my tools to maintain sobriety day by day but I will definitely check that out. I love this forum already, so thank you for the warm welcome!

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Thank you so much for that response, I think that’s a push I needed to not be afraid.