Temptation of the beast

What do you guys think of temptation when trying to stay sober??


I think it’s hard bleedy work and extremely tiring when fighting it off welcome to the forum.:pray:


Welcome to the forum.
Regarding temptation Wikipedia gives us this:-

Temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long-term goals.In the context of some religions temptation is the inclination to sin.
Temptation also describes the coaxing or inducing a person into committing such an act, by manipulation or otherwise of curiosity, desire or fear of loss something important to a person.

In the context of self-control and ego depletion temptation is described as an immediate, pleasurable urge and/or impulse that disrupts an individuals ability to wait for the long-term goals, in which that individual hopes to attain.

More informally, temptation may be used to mean “the state of being attracted and enticed” without anything to do with moral, ethical, or ideological valuation; for example, one may say that a piece of food looks “tempting” even though eating it would result in no negative consequences.

Wikipedia then goes on to define and differentiate between secular/non-secular and formal/casual forms of its usage.

Thus on a personal level I do not find the word temptation appropriate to my addiction.

In it’s casual usage “I’m tempted by a beer” is a massive understatement and hardly describes the impact of the desire to drink.

In its non-secular/secular use “beer is tempting me” hands the responsibility of my addiction to the beer itself, or a bad deity encouraging me to consume… Removing my part in my sobriety.

So I would find adjectives like "crave/craving more appropriate for my condition.


Don’t give in to it, no matter what tries to tempt you.
Stick to your goal.
It’s hard but the harder you work the better the reward.
No one said it was gonna be easy.


This is what I think…





I’m sure they said Temptation not The Temptations! :joy:


Either way, lol… can never get enough :musical_score::notes:


It seems I tempted you to “correct” me on temptation lol.

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