Its late Sunday evening, and as I sit watching a great movie on tv, I am really becoming aware of how alcohol is everywhere. In the couple of hours I have been sitting here I have seen numerous adverts advertising beer as well as seeing well known alcohol brands who are sponsors for sport. As I sit here watching The American President there have been six scenes where alcohol is being consumed. I must admit it has been a bit confronting and I have had a slight craving for a glass of red wine. Fortunately This will not be happening tonight. Does anybody feel the same way? It amazes me in times like this where there is so much focus on healthy living, eating and exercise that alcohol still finds it way into so many scenarios. Wanting to know if anyone else has or is experiencing the same.
@Ozdownunder Yeah I agree with you, it’s everywhere! In my early recovery it was a trigger for me but with time it reduces a bit. What works for me now is I instantly look away when I see a scene on TV or a liquor store sign. I find that if I gaze at it for too long my mind goes wild & I starts to imagine things. Hope this helps, enjoy your beautiful evening! Good job at fighting the fight! I’m proud of you! Blessings!
Totally agree with you. I notice it EVERYWHERE! When I was doing my first week it was torturing me. every advert, soap, film, supermarkets, walking past restaurants, bars. Aggghhhhhhh!!! I’m only on week 3, it seems to get slightly easier, but then it is a day at a time. Some days are way harder than others, especially weekends. I went to a wedding yesterdsy with free champagne. God it was hard!! I left after the ceremony I was too uncomfortable.
Thank you into day 5 today !!!
In my experience alcohol and drugs were not my problem, they were my solution. …“I” am my problem, my thinking is my problem, my inability to ask for help when life kicks me in the teeth, is my problem, my ego and pride were my problem, my past hurts and bitterness were my problem. God, Rehab, AA, my step program, sponsors and meetings have given me the tools to live life on life’s terms without having to run to alcohol and drugs. I had proven many times through my drinking “career” that my will power could not keep me sober. My best thinking got me into recovery. I have an amazing life now. I have cleared away the wreckage of my past and have rebuilt relationships I thought would never reconcile. The best part for me is that I have a God of my understanding that no matter what falls away in my life or changes, as life always does, my God stays constant, that is what I run to now. I KNOW that one drink will make all of this go away, because for me, (as they say in recovery) one drink, or drug, is too many and a 1000’s not enough. Happy destiny to everyone!
Totally agree! I try to avoid places with alcohol but it’s everywhere. Grocery stores, fuel stations, restaurants, sport events, television…
@MicheleH Thanks for sharing! I agree with you! I’m really glad everything is working out for you! God is good! Blessings to you! Happy sober day!
So agree with you, the alcohol really is everywhere. I used to binge The West Wing (which for some parts is about alcoholism) and the amount of drinking in that show… I get triggered easily by what I watch and I just had to stop. I also needed a break from here, because talking about, and reading about drinking does trigger my brain into longing. I know it’s inadvertent and obviously no one is to blame, but sometimes I get tempted by reading. Then I read on about the negatives and it blows over. Thankfully we have a ban on alcohol commercial here, so gor the most part I can watch tv in peace.
@Soberlife05 Congrats on your milestone, that’s huge! Trust in God, He’s got this and He’s got you! One day at a time​:upside_down_face:
@MicheleH Thanks sister, I appreciate it! God is my strength & refuge! By his grace I’m pulling through! I was once lost & now I’m found! 2 of the scriptures that help me get through are: “I can do all this through him who gives me strenght” (Philippians 4:13) & “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2Corinthians 12:9) NIV. Much love & blessings to you!
Hi Guys, I am recently back from Sydney. I have to say temptation was all around however I did not fall into its trap. In saying this it was bloody hard not to resist… I tell you though I feel really impressed that I was able to resist temptation. However I would not advise anyone to expose them selves to temptation early in sobriety. My biggest asset was my support network helping me not to trip up.
I admire your strength to fight temptation of traveling. I’ve taken two short vacations this summer and drank both times, the first trip blowing 3 wks sober. Next week I’m moving so I’m trying really hard to prepare to live a clean life in my new home.
@Ash Will be sending positive thoughts with your move! I can empathize with you there, as I have to move in 8 weeks. Have my eye on the bigger picture (new chapter, new abode, no drinking) your doing well keep shining…