Tempted on day one

This is day one and it’s all bad and I see I need to weed out some of the people in my life. Now I tried a app like this one and failed bad it’s like I can’t get pass day one and three. Can you say weak mind. Please I need you guys.


Welcome! This is a great community. Spend lots of time here reading and reaching out. I surrounded myself with quit lit books and sobriety podcasts too. Just take it one day at a time.


Hey welcome to the community!!!

It has nothing to do with being weak minded. We have an illness and when we are in active addiction sometimes the obsession to use is very strong. You are right you do need us, you cant do this alone and its amazing that you have figured that out!!! We are so much stronger together.

I had to go minute by minute for the first five days. Every morning i woke up and I hadnt used the day before was a win and I woke up with a little more hope. I was in active addiction for 33 years and I finally was able to get off that wicked merry-go-round in 2019.
There is a daily check in thread that I basically lived on for my first year of recovery I will link it below. Its super active and you can check in there when you need some support.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #52


Thanks for the reply you know what this means? I’m not alone


Never alone my friend.



Thanks Stella for once Im not alone and for this app to work I have to trust the process on here with the post comments daily logs, all of it.


@Muddy64 welcome!
I, too, am on day 1 again and it IS hard. Days one and three were hard for me last time as well, this time though i know what didn’t work- hopefully I can use these tools to fight through the struggle and succeed.
Congrats on day 1! Thank you for being here!


It does, for sure.

There are people on this ap who have only used this app as their support for substance recovery, then of course gathered other tools they have needed in the community. Others of us have decided to join 12 step groups such as NA or AA, SMART or Bhuddist recovery programs.

Here is another great thread you might want to give a read.

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Welcome to Talking Sober! 2023 update!


We both got this @KatieO

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This app is definitely a resource. Remember addiction is extremely confounding and challenging. The app is only helpful if you are seeking all avenues for sobriety. Whether that is an addiction program, sober living house, attending meetings, reading daily about addiction, working on healthy relationships, and overall confronting the reasons why you are drinking or using. It takes a lot of work and it is absolutely worth it, you are worth it. From being on this app a few years, I’ve seen many folks think there may be some magic bullet that is going to “cure” their addiction. The app is merely a tool to help, it’s a great support community but only you have the ability to put in the work. We are all here for you, just be sure you actively work on your addiction in your life.

We all wish you the best, keep us updated. And be sober for today, you can work on tomorrow when tomorrow comes. Everyone has to start somewhere, hopefully today is the start for you. Take it seriously, your life depends on it

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Welcome. It we all had strong minds when it came to addiction, none of us would be here. Be active here, its a great first step.


Welcome! I agree with Hollieberry, there are loads of really good quit lit books and podcasts out there which should help and everyone here is very supportive so reach out if you feel you need some guidance.

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Hi Zack…this shit is hard man it certainly doesnt mean your weak…start believing in yourself…chances are if u tell yourself you cant do it or that your weak youl act that way…so tell yourself u can…alot of this is mindset friend…you really can do this if u set your mind to it…we are all here for you

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Hang in there. You are not alone. I got 66 days sober. Relapsed. Did 20 days sober and I relapsed. Day 1 for me as well. The good thing is you know you have a problem and you are utilizing the tools you need. This relapse had me realizing I need a sponsor. I was always afraid to get one but I plan on getting a sponsor this week.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
Glad to have you with us.
Keep reaching out and take a good read around for how other have managed.
There is lots of support here for you so keep coming back :hugs:

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You can do this!! You need to ask yourself do you really want it? What helped me was moving away. Leaving the city I was in