Ten days sober

Hello everyone today makes 10 days sober and I’m so proud of myself things are improving my health is good I’m saving money and everything is working out in my favor…


Good work!


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Congratulations on 10 days that’s awesome keep up the good work stay strong and take it one day at a time

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Great job :muscle::heart:

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Awesome milestone, keep up the good work.

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Double digits is huge! Congrats!
Keep that positive attitude.

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Congratulations on your ten days sober Deszzi.
Good for you.


Congratulations :slightly_smiling_face:


Yay! Keep adding those days up. You are halfway to two weeks!

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Thank you everyone sorry I was at work so I couldn’t respond so I decided to just do one post and I’m so proud of myself I hardly get any cravings and I’ve been working out & creating healthier habits … and I’m so grateful for all of your support, my family support , and my boyfriend support. It really makes this process of what I’m trying to accomplish so much easier. So I’ll try my best to give y’all more updates thank you so much for all the kind words it really means a lot.
The only thing that I have troubles with is I’ve been having crazy nightmares but when I wake up I just tell myself that everything is going to be OK and it’ll all be worth it in the end. I’m just so happy with this new journey that I’m on.


Your doing really well, I hope the nightmares subside but aprt from that you seem very positive and already seeing benefits of being sober. Congrats x

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Thank you I just try to take it one day at a time.

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Congrats! This is a great milestone. Keep it up!

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