Terminal Cancer

Thanks for the update @Faye! I’m so proud of you. To see you go without the max pills in a day makes me wanna do a happy dance for you. That’s amazing in itself.

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Thank you for the update. I am glad you are managing your pain well. Sending hugs and strength to you today and always. :heart::heart:


Sending you lots of hugs today! Your story hit me deep, I am happy you were able to get through 2 days of your prescribed dosage or less! :tada: What a difficult thing you are going through. I hope you find some comfort in knowing we are all here cheering you on! I will keep a lookout for your next update. You are not alone. Ive been there hiding drugs and under their mind control… I remember throwing them up into the attic and then crawling into the attic not even 30 minutes later. :expressionless: I would write notes to myself… “DO NOT OPEN!” The power they have over us is strong… But we are stronger. :muscle:


How are you doing @Faye? I’ve been thinking about you lately. :heart::heart::heart:


Failure? No. Far from it. What you are dealing with takes massive amounts of courage and strength. I will pray for you. I hope you find some peace and enjoy everyday as it is a gift. Thank you for reminding us of that.

Im so sorry for your pain I lost my father to pancreatic cancer he only knew he had it for about 2 months before he died so he never had any pills or pill problems but im an addict myself and pain pills are my weakest link. I totally feel ypu o could get 20 for cheap and say these have to last me 2 weeks im gonna wean myself down and all it takes is one trigger to upset me and I go for another pill. This is bul cral advice from another addict (me) but believe in yourself that you are stronger than your addiction or give them to someone you trust to ration them for you if you only have a few years to ive yea theybare gonna take away pain and yes they are going to change you but use them as medicine and nkt a drug and be there for whm ever is in your life the prescribed amount will help you to see your family see your friends and give them memories not of you dopesick or zoned out but juat there so that they can enjoy you. I wish I could be more help and I wish I could take my own advice I started for the pain and ended up for the the high which I don’t even feel anymore it just drives me to work harder and faster because I know I’m sending more I hope yo find the the words you need