I’ve been sober for 21 days today and for the last three days I’m having terrible headaches. Is this a withdrawal symptom? If it is, what can I do about it? I mean, I take 2 painkillers and it’s ok then, but I don’t want to take them every day just to function. :’(
I had headaches around then too. I also had heartburn at around 14 days. I wasn’t expecting either after so long (I expected the within the first week) but they did go away.
Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), or the terms post-withdrawal syndrome, protracted withdrawal syndrome, prolonged withdrawal syndromes describe a set of persistent impairments that occur after withdrawal from alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines, antidepressants and other substances.
I have had weather headaches ever since I got sober.
I was already super sensitive before drugs and alcohol. then I was numbed by them. And now I’m like super hyper sensitive to everything. like changing barometeric pressure, or having more than a cup of coffee. chain-smoking, eating mcD
it’s horrible :"(
But it’s gotten a lot better, early sobriety sux, can’t wait for my emotional swings to calm down. stay strong !!!
I was scared of psychological symptoms of withdrawal more than physical ones (have always had huge problems with anxiety), so I was preparing for the worst in relation to that (yep, good on me, the anxiety attacks have returned in their full glory), so the headaches were a surprise.
I didn’t even connect the dots until today when I realised they might be caused by quitting alcohol.
Oh well, I’ll have to live through it and it will be worth it. Thanks for your reply, keeping my fingers crossed for your successful recovery!
Yep. Day 18 (or is it 19) here. Headaches still on and off!
We can do this!!
Thanks for your reply! I’m glad they went away for you! I’ll try to stay patient and strong.
Day 5 here. Headaches off and on as well! Just a crazy appetite!
I’m a bit over a month, the frequency had definitely decreased.
I wasn’t craving , and no headache for a week. Then it came back with a vengeance just had an overwhelming amount of emotions. I almost broke down and quit my job haha. Luckily they went away. So I guess we just need time.
Stay strong everyone
Day 11 with off and on intense headaches and mood swings.
I’m new to the sobriety detox thing, had a mood swing the other day and it about scared me! Was like whoa me what the heck is that all about!? Lol come to learn…
I’m having the worst headaches ever ! I didn’t even get hangover headaches it came up during a gym class doing weights luckily and not HIIT, as I would’ve left . I’ve also been eating healthily and exercising most days since Thursday when my gym membership started up , I know it’s not long. I guess my body is thinking WTF ? Hope it passes as I’m relying on exercise a lot .