Texting it out

Hi. I just sat down at Hooters with the fam thinking I could be normal lol. I definitely wasn’t ready for this trigger. I didn’t even know Hooters was a trigger for me! So I’m just writing now to avoid thinking about having a beer. Just trying to deal. I hate the way this makes me feel. I want to cry, the urge is so bad. I won’t drink. But it’s just another reminder that I have to always be thinking of this stupid disease. Well thanks for reading. I’m just gonna be focusing on eating and getting the hell outta here. Thank god for this app and community.


Glad you got this tool to withstand the urge! And even gladder you’re using it and it works! You got this and we got you. Keep going lady. You’re doing great. Really. Hugs.


Good for you acknowledging the urge and what you needed! It will get easier. Think of every urge denied increases your strength


Reaching out, to help or to be helped, is how sobriety works, and you are working it!

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I really applaud u on coming on here to talk about it while in that situation. If u need to take a breather, can u step away for fresh air or the bathroom to gather urself? I know u can get thru this. Glad ur here :slight_smile:


Good to text it out here and withstand the urge to drink. You get stronger everyday you won’t drink. You can do this :muscle:


So awesome you thought to come post!!! It’s amazing having the community in your purse or back pocket 24/7. Those first few restaurant visits were hard for me too and I wouldn’t have made them through if I hadn’t gone into them with a plan. I literally practiced ordering my drink outloud as I drove to the resturant because it was innate to order a beer or glass of wine. I had to retrain my brain and dig some new neuralpathways.

Some of my favorite drinks to order those first few months were…

  • tonic and lime
  • soda and cranberry
  • and decaf coffee, lots of decaf coffee.

Thank you all for the support. It means the WORLD to me that you all are virtually with me! I’m home now, sober and treating myself to some Italian ice. Much love everyone!


It’s good to know what your triggers are and it’s so fulfilling to know you overcame them

In my experience it takes time for those triggers to go away. And it gets easier as it goes, jn the meantime always have a safety net and back up plan


Great job!!!

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As soon as you eat something feeling will go away. Am I the only one that when I get some food in my stomach echoes away maybe because I used to drink on an empty the stomach

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Just a side note… But living in the UK it totally blows my mind that there is a family fast food place that is called “Hooters” and the way it’s portrayed in media it’s that the waitresses all wear tiny out fits - WTF

Ahh so UK hooters is way different then Eh?

There was a band in the 80s called the hooters as well they were from Philly most popular song was and we Danced, you really wouldn’t portray them as sex objects and none of their music overly objectified women as sex objects.

But we’re Americans and well we feel the the need to culture rape everything and fuck it up our own way

No we don’t have Hooters in the UK :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Avoid the hot wings…they will make you crave beer even more!!!

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How about today? I hope you feel very proud of yourself!! :facepunch: Like the others already mentioned every difficult situation you conquer you become stronger!! And when sober time passes it will be easier!!

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Kudos to you for staying strong! Keep it up! :muscle:

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