Thank you one and all

Mandi, the absolute best thing is waking up sober. Then unplugging from the drama, because I don’t need to distract myself and everyone around me from noticing my bad behavior. The best best thing, though, is something that has not changed. I got sober on the belief that everything was going to be alright. And it still is.

Bob Marley, Three Little Birds is now my favorite tune!

Rise up this mornin’
Smile with the risin’ sun
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin’ sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true
Sayin’, “This is my message to you”

Don’t worry 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right
Don’t worry 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!

My higher power is within me and around me and between us and is us. I have a place and a part to play in the universe. And it is beautiful.


Jaw drop! Absolutely AMAZING! Words can’t even explain how much hope this gives me! Thank you SO much for posting!!!


14 years! Thats amazing! Huge congratulations mate :grin:

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One word: Awesome.

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That song has popped into my head at the weirdest times over the years… like right when i needed it. I love it! Proud of you.

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I get a shout out?! That’s awesome! :smiley: I am so happy to know that something I have said has been of some benefit to another. You make me want to keep on the path more than ever before. Thank you for sharing, and let me know if you ever need anything! :slight_smile:

Amazing!!! Great job!

A remarkable feat by a remarkable man, who happens to be a hero of mine. Congrats Dan, outstanding. And by the way, that song is my all time favorite…have a great week man!

Wow, thank you! Really though, my aspiration is to be like you!

You’ve been a boon to us all man. Thanks for keeping the path lit.

Congrats on 14 years my man, another day of doing it right.

Hey Dan, thanks for the shout out, but you are the inspiration for us all my friend!
Congratulations on living the life and showing us the way.:grinning:

You are such an inspiration and a lovely person. Telling your truth is so important. Being honest and open in all that you do.

Enjoy your 14th birthday! :cake: :dancing_women: :heart_eyes:

Wow so amazing!! Brilliant achievement :partying_face::partying_face:


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Your truly amazing… congratulations x

And there’s the name I left off my list! I get so much out of your shares @Yoda-Stevie. You make my life easier!


Dan - thank you for giving us hope that a sober life is possible. You do it with such grace - and you are always reaching out your hand to help another one of us. Congratulations, my friend…


I love this song too. I sing it in my head most mornings. I’m considering a “three little birds” tattoo!!

14 years. That is amazing. Thank you so much for being here to share your wisdom with us babies!

Well done 14 years ADAAT shows me that it works if you work it , well done keep on trucking