That voice is trying to do some damage

So I am 14 days in, the last 2 days I have woken up with that feeling. That voice that tries in every way to justify your addiction use. Well a few hours later I can not say it has fully passed. What I will say is I told my husband that I was having cravings, I helped mom get her breakfast and feed the dogs. I meditated :man_in_lotus_position: and did whim holf method. Jumped into the pool and took a cold shower. Thoughts still begging to be heard I went to the gym and ran for 50 minutes. Yes that thought is still present but each moment that passes I feel stronger and confident that for TODAY I don’t need to CHOOSE that option.
I understand that my body is tired from working overtime, stress from my dog almost dieing the other night, which in the past I have taught myself that taking pills will relieave my stress. Today I am finding and creating new paths for myself.
I thought I would share this for anyone who might be feeling the same way. We do have options and I know that it will pass.

As always thanks for love and support :heart:
This community is truly a blessing


Well done Josh! :facepunch:
The longer you are clean, the less to will hear that voice.
Keep up the good work!
Congratulations for the 2 weeks in! :confetti_ball:


Congrats on standing your ground and not listening to that voice. I’m almost on day 16 and really wanted something to numb myself today but made a promise to myself, and know it’s either life or a drink. We have to end the cycle at some point before it ends us.


Congratulations. Its amazing how much more aware we become with each passing day!! None of us are perfect, yet we are learning from eachother in many many ways!! I thinks its “in the air” this voice :rofl::rofl:
cause i too have been fighting it hard again.
Ive also realized yet again, that i changed up routine and didnt rely on this forum as much.
Each time i comment or read another post, that voice gets quieter…from my experience, stay active on here and other sober forums.
Addiction is tough, together we are tougher!!


Thank you so much for the kind words


Ya I totally agree and thanks for sharing your experience. I am ready to step into this next phase of my life, accomplish the dreams I have set for myself now. This only holds me back from who I truly am. Congratulations on 16 days!!!


2 weeks is brilliant :+1:

Your doing great things to overcome the voice.
Each time we don’t give in to it our bodies and brain start healing and rewiring itself. It takes time but it does happen and the voice seems less powerful.
Our brains have been wired through addiction to believe it needs our DOC (drug of choice) to survive like it needs food and water. We know it doesn’t. So it’s giving that time to balance it out and let the healing begin.
I find exercising really helps keep me distracted while keeping healthy as I can.
Don’t forget if things get really tough there are online meetings you can listen to for an hour. This is a really powerful way of resetting our thinking in those moments where the voice is feels over powering.

Congrats on your 2 weeks :sparkler:


Hey Josh! Two weeks is great friend, you’re doing it!! :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:

Well done to you, you are standing up to that bully in your head :boxing_glove:

You keep doing what you’re doing, and reaching out :heart:


This is a beautiful post! Thank u for sharing. Ur determination and want for a better life is such a joy to read. Im glad u didnt give in to those thoughts. Our minds lie to us constantly when it comes to addiction. Drugs and alcohol really have no purpose in our lives. Im glad ur fighting for urself and for a better life! Keep at it!

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Hey Josh im nearly 10 days and battle with that voice! But each day we make it through we get stronger! Weve got this! X


Thank you for taking the time to reply and I am glad you connected to those feelings. I’m watching myself do things so much different this time around. The feeling does past sometimes sooner than others but when the suncomes up and you open your eyes knowing you made it through is better than any drug.


Oh ya congratulations :confetti_ball: fuck the first 2 weeks are still so much of a fight mentally. I just am observing what I learned with this last slip, what I can do differently like talk more with the people around me instead of saying I can do it on my own. Inside I know the drug chains me to the wall when my soul is ready to climb, crawl, fight to my highest potential


You got this!

Lately the voice has been powerful for me as well. Today I bought a long awaited new guitar to help in the activity area.

Keep staying sober! You got this!