The Battle I must Win

Having been introduced to alcohol in my early 20’s and now in my late 30’s, it was blissful and lovely until I realized how much damage it has done to my life. Careerwise, alcohol threatened to put a hold on it. I dropped on pecking order and got bypassed by those who were under me. Financially, I found myself increasingly dipping into my savings account and taking occasional loans. My family was affected since I would engage on binge drinking on weekends and whenever I was free.
I have quit in the past but only to swing back in full force. The best I did was 2018 when I went dry for 6 months. But bad company and influence had me back. It has been my lowest point. And I hate it.
Since I got transferred to new region, I’ve been exercising restraint. Drinking once in two weeks or so. But 11 days a go, I almost killed myself. I drunk two bottles of Black Label (1 litre) in two days with several beers in between.
It’s something I was not proud of. I almost crashed my car.
Since then, 11 days ago, I’ve decided to say goodbye to my bad friend- alcohol and engage in productive life.
As I commence this journey, I pray for your support and encouragement. It wont be easy but must be done.
Thank you.


God speed to you. You keep trying and that is the key to success. Never give up and you will succeed. So many positive folks on here who have been on this very same journey. I wish you grace and peace from this day forward.

Best of luck my friend. Keep checking in on this forum. It has been a blessing for me!

Thank you.

You got this Minnie just remember why you are doing it, staying sober is the best thing that ever happened to me, i have more money, dont wake up with a hangover, can finally sit down with my girlfriend and enjoy a movie when back in the days I was always drunk. So just find that reason why you want it so bad and you won’t look back. Take care, stay safe and stay sober, most of the time its the will of the person, how bad do they want to stay sober and you will

Thanks a lot.

Hi and welcome. Coming here was a good start on staying sober. Have you looked into AA? Following the 12 steps has been very helpful to me. Try reading the AA Big Book (free @ it really opened my eyes and made me understand what makes an alcoholic drink. Once that light went on I knew I could do this and stay sober. The stories are interesting to say the least. I kept seeing myself in some of them.
Good luck in you journey and don’t drink today.

Thank you.

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Welcome! With 11 under your belt your off to a great start. This is a great place with great people. I like taking the one day at a time approach myself. You’ll have great days and you’ll have terrible days, take them in for what they are and embrace them, they will pass before you know it. Best wishes to you.

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