The big Oxy boom and us who are left to tell the stories of the pillhead golden age

Today I am sad. He deserved life. He was just sad and he was using drugs to cover that pain.… Dan was part of the big Oxy boom of 2004 to about 2011ish. Many we knew and loved were. "the ‘golden age’ of being a pillhead was 2000-2010”… guts me up. Wanted to share below :heart:

Had it ended with Oxycontin, we might have been okay. Out of the strength of our experience, we all could have turned against a common enemy and unleashed a storm. Vowing never to repeat the mistake and to hold everyone accountable who could have allowed this to happen. But now - years since then - a lot of the people coming off the front lines seem more weary, or heavy-hearted, or rootless, or maybe just without hope. Because it’s a slightly different enemy, and no one is really sure where to direct the anger. Or the outrage. And most people will never understand what swept through during these years. Even the ones who lived along side us don’t understand. And the generation after us will think it’s strange and won’t have much sympathy for anyone who’s stuck there.

We’ll get older, and some of us will adapt, and a few of us will thrive, and most of us will just submit and let the memories of those years scar lines on our faces and draw circles around our eyes. And we’ll go to see doctors who’ll tell us about organs that aren’t working, and we’ll take a lot of pills and talk about our mental health and look for ways to get by. But within everyone will be a yearning that never fully goes away and gets kicked up once in a while by the smell of a rain or a rustling of the leaves. And we’ll think no way could that feeling seem so distant. It can’t be that it all vanished in prescriptions and doctors and drug deals and shooting galleries and dollar bills and public bathrooms and tin foil and needles… it just can’t be. Because the trees still move the same way in the wind, and the grass still smells the same after it rains, and it can’t be that we’ve ruined that all forever.

And then in a weird hard to describe kind of way, we also feel safe. Or maybe that’s numb. Like the years are nothing to fear. And that they can’t take anything more. And we’re quieter than we used to be. Because there isn’t much to say. Telling war stories about those little blue-green things that seemed to change the world. And laughing at memes of wiping that coating off on tee-shirts or underwear or whatever we had laying around. Anyway, not sure what the point of this post is. There probably aren’t too many of us old Oxy 80 users still out there. If you were unfortunate enough to get sucked into that vortex from 2000-2010, there’s a good chance you didn’t live to tell about it. But a few of us will be around for a while. And we’ll always have a special bond. :sob::broken_heart:

Pictures below of my boy in those years💔


I hear you. I was there. 80s were on another level. I remember learning how to dremel them down. And catch my ex lying straight to my face about having them, bc I found that residue underneath his shirt. Worst time of my life, hands down. It robbed us of everything. Not just all our money. I didn’t care about anything. I was just an empty shell. Trying to fill the void with the very thing that created it. Everyone I knew who was actually prescribed them, hated them, but they realized how much money they could make. I honestly never knew where to direct my hatred. Big pharma, the dealers, or my ex who got me on them. I’m just grateful I finally got away. Glad you did too girl :heart:


So crazy isn’t it, thinking back on those years. Such a dark, confusing time. I still feel lost every time my mind goes back there. Like how the fuck was that my life? Dan taught me how to smoke and snort them. The 30’s and 80’s. The cost of them alone drained us dry. They were sinister. When they grabbed you, they held on tight. So many of our people never made it out man :pensive: seems like it grabbed so many of us who were born in the late 70’s and 80’s. Swept through the entire generation. What a fucking thing life is… crazy… I’m so glad you made it out too girl. We were some of the lucky ones…


Sorry for all the pain but I have to say this is some pretty great writing.


Thank you :pray:t3:


You have much to share, and not enough people/ ears to tell it to. I can feel your pain. Right in my ribs. Whatever you do, don’t stop sharing except when doing so would cause more grief.
Thank you for telling your story. Your journey. Clearly he meant so much to you just to be robbed from your grasp.
This is hard work.
Best wishes and I’m here, reading your story. Your life. So much to share


Well I was on opanas and suboxin saved me and the sublacade shot is amazing I have no withdrawal no cravings the rehab I’m in offered it and I highly recommend it to anyone that has opoid addiction it saved my life I’m 6 months sober now from pills and meth and I’m finally happy now I just got to find a sober girl they say not to date other addicts so ima try n find a church girl idk yet it’s in god’s hands