That spot is bomb!!! Portland in the house🙌🏼
Toddler sons YouTube Videos in background
Very happy I’m not hungover! It’s day 5. Columbian Coffee 10/10
Yay for not being hungover I am really loving the feeling as well
I love the pink
This mug is
I LOVE this!
That mug is cuutteeee
Thank you! It was actually handmade from a shop in manitou springs Co
My favorite part of waking up = my nespresso machine. I dont even go out for coffee anymore because nothing compares
(@Dazercat the mug )
Where are you still finding pumpkin spice creamer? That one looks so good!
Safeway! I’m clinging to it for dear life
Oh yeah !..
I can’t stand Tim Hortons coffee but I support it as a Canadian brand
I don’t have an opinion for or against their coffee - it’s ok but it’s not anything I’d go out of my way for - but this mug I love because it’s got room for milk too!
Coffee I will go out of my way for, is some of the boutique brands. Canadian brands I’ve discovered over the last few years that I like:
(Equator’s “Outlier” blend is nice)
Their “7-10 split” is my fave coffee blend in the world and has been for several years now. Just amazing.