The days seem longer as life gets shorter

Anyone else feel like the days drag on while sober, or that they seemed to go by faster while using? What do you do to just kill downtime and get through the day?

Anything that keeps my mind engaged. Because my disease is right in between my 2 ears. If I let it wonder… the wheels start turning and it never ends well. So, 4 me… its creative things that take me out of myself… drawing, fixing something, reading my AA big book… some good devotionals. Ill share the one I start my day off with. Whatever gives you joy. Being outside, running, weights, some self care… hot showers, manicure my nails… hmmm… send recovery memes 2 my buddies. Doing something for someone else without being asked… or even if they ask. Jump on that, don’t hesitate, lol. I cook all the time, lol. I even go through my clothes and donate what I haven’t wore in over a year. As you can tell, I dont really get bored. Just remember you decided what you want to think about today.


Thanks for the advice, guess im just getting bored with my daily routine and need to change it up a bit…

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Routines and staying on a schedule i feel is so important because ive never been a disciplined person… I had to learn. But, yes keeping your activity fresh can definitely help.
Your on the right track :footprints: one foot in front of the other.

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Feels like since getting clean my days are all the same…wake up, coffee, work out, shower, go to meeting, work, then sleep. I wanna change it up and do something fun but everythings closed because of this damn pandemic…

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Take up hiking, walking, running or bicyling??? Getting out in the fresh air is healing and tiring for the body. Even a 5 or 10 minute walk outside here and there can help.


Yeah finding a good hobby would be good, just dont really know what to get into. The onlone classes sound like a good idea, not really artistic or good at playing instruments. We just got hit with a bunch of snow and i hate the cold cuz im a wimp lol so hiking, walking, running aint really an option, id just be miserable lol

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How about puzzles? They can be quite challenging.

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Start a journal, or write a autobiography on overcoming this disease and how you turned into a big success. That’s my goal, win a big tournament and write my story that if I can do it, any one can.

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Thanks everyone really appreciate the ideas, think im gonna start some online classes,im a big nerd who actually enjoys school/classes so think ill add that to my routine after work in the evening. Hopefuly it will help with the monotony.


Like I said. I dont get bored… lol. Hope yall like it.