The dreaded works do, free bar, unlimited booze

Just had my shower at the conference hotel. Dinner and staff awards ceremony begins in 30 minutes, everybody out to get wasted. Wish me luck! I’m 105 days drink free. I won’t drink, but it’s a strong pull


You can do it!!!If you feel tempted big time, leave!8))

Good luck!! Work functions are never easy do to the fact that you really don’t want to be there in the first place. I work in a hair salon and we serve our clients alcohol everyday. One day at a time!!

Thank you. I’ll have fun drunk spotting!


I know. Nobody really likes them. Hey ho. Here I go. Just walking to the dining area now.

Good luck! For me, events where alcohol is free, it gets real hard. My brain is screaming “It’s free and yours for the taking!” Easier to resist when I have to spend money I guess. Let us know how it goes. Congrats on over 100 days!

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I made it! I’ve left everybody getting wasted. I’ve never noticed how blurry people’s eyes get when they’re drunk. Feeling smug with a cup of tea and custard cream and off to bed.



I’m having a chocolate hobnob with my tea. Well done you!

I know it can be a challenge. I had to endure a pub crawl around London a few months ago with work and then a free bar and by the 5th bar most people were trashed and every 5 minutes I was asked the “why are you not drinking?” question, followed by “I wish I could do that” response :joy:

Luckily I found a sober buddy in the middle of it all and we stuck together.

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And no hangover tomorrow, and no worries about what you might have done in front of your coworkers while drunk! Win-win

Great job! It’s an eye opener seeing what that looks like. I’m sure your glad it wasn’t you!! :grinning:

Brilliant work! Ahh there’s nowt better than a brew and a biccie :grinning:

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Agree 100%