The drunken radiologist

Thank you very mutch, i wanted to go to meetings but covid is realy hitting us hard here and meeting with people in a closed room that is a no no


Have you considered online meetings? I use and just listening helps me. You don’t have to turn your camera on. They only call on you, if you hit the share button.


Welcome! I echo Lisa’s recommendations for checking out the first link with welcome info to the forum… SO MUCH great info there… and also echo the online meetings. They really are great in the times we cannot get to in-person. And if AA is not your gig, lots of other resources for recovery out there. Take a search around with the magnifying glass (or just ask us and we can help point you in the direction),

You mentioned waiting years to get sober; lucky you, today can be your day! You don’t need to drink. Just say no to that first drink, then there is no getting drunk. And getting drunk will get us nowhere. Sounds like tomorrow is your first day back to work, and drinking will only make that much, much worse. Especially when we are healthcare providers/medical professionals, we also have a duty to protect; we want to care for ourselves, but also our patients. I’d hate to see something happen, or get reported, or lose your job, or license to oractice, or miss a diagnostic finding etc. Not worth another drunk. Today is the day you can end the viscous cycle. To get yourself back! It’s not easy, but it’s 100% possible.

We’re so very glad you are here; stick around, read lots. Lots of serious sobriety stuff here, helpful stories, support, tough love (if that is your thing), funny stuff for distractions, etc.
Welcome to you. You can do it! :hugs:


Keep this app open and read posts, reply to others, I bet you will be inspired to slow your roll.

Also, if you are open to AA Online, they happen all day long

You can do it, one day at a time (or one hour at a time).

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Welcome. It sure would be nice to get off that merry go round wouldn’t it? I Hope you are really really tired of it and today would be a great day to be sober. I start every day off with a gratitude list on here at TS. I read ever one else’s gratitude too. I have finally realized I got so much more to be grateful for now that I’m sober and staying sober.
I hope to see you around. Your worth it. And it feels amazing :star_struck:


Daily Gratitude List

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Thanks a lot, i was in AA like 2 years ago (forcefuly) because i got in jail for drunk driving…i wanted to go back to the group now (this time by myself) but it got shut down cause of covid…i will try what you say about the online meetings, thanks a lot

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You have got this.

A thought cannot make you drink.

As much as you want to, just don’t, ok.

The first few days going to be hard, there no denying it… But the only other way is down.


It’s a chestnut, but still true. You can’t get drunk if you say no to the first drink. So what do you need to do to get to bed sober tonight?

We still have a few in person AA meetings around here, very reduced attendance of course, and distancing and contact tracing etc. Just to jump start your recovery, maybe check if there are any still happening in your area. When we went into our second lockdown, groups reached out to the governor’s office and state department of health. We got the message that recovery groups are considered essential and may still continue to meet.

Aside from that is the new users thread that I think may have been pinned to your first login, but here it is again. Great stuff in there!


Welcome, I’m glad you found this forum. Please stick around and read/post. So much help and support here. I wish you all the best on your journey :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Man that’s my story… the good news is I did it so you can too! One day at a time… hell in n the beginning it was making it passed one gas station at a time and not buying beer. I was drinking at similar levels, waking up in the middle of the night yo chug a beer or two, drinking while driving to work. Drinking at work. I stopped, so can you… I’m here for you, we’re all here for you. Welcome


Yup, pandemic did me in too. Drinking everyday for months. Hoping you can get through the day / night. Jump on some zoom meetings if you can; it helps a lot.

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Oh god yes, gas stations…i Even feel ashamed to go to the same one and buying so many beers i had to go to diferent ones so they dont recognize me…Oh well day 1 and i feel like shit, air conditioner is on 18° and im sweating like im in hell


You only have to detox one time if you choose. The first few days are rough but it gets better. Eat whatever you want and drink lots of water, sleep when you can.

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Hi. My state has the physicians health program, not sure if yours does. I’m in Washington. They are an advocate and helped me find support, treatment for providers and the such. If you feel like you cannot do it alone there’s help. Welcome and stick around, please.


thank you al for your mesages, it realy helps. i will kep postin and hopefuly get through the week, i know i can while im working, the weekend will be tough, i cant remember being sober on a saturday or sunday since i was in college…specialy sunday but i know i can do it this time, its not even fun anymore, my own body rejets alcohol, its my brain asking me to numb my anxiety with beer

radiologist :thinking:Your gonna have to look a bit deeper than your used to but the answers are all there inside you if you look hard enough and long enough. :+1:


How’re you doing, @Aristides?

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Like shit, thanks for asking, i drank like 7 litters of beer last Night un a relapse and woke Up feeling like shit…went yo the clínic and has to come back because i thought i was gonna have a pánic atack, cryed to my wife and talked to her about my problem, tonight im going to an AA Meeting and later this week to a psiquiatríst

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I’m so glad you are back. Please keep checking in. This community is here for you.

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