The first week

Hello, I’m 26 this is the first time I ever look into chat group for this addiction. I’ve always drank since I was 12 . We have always had alcohol at my parents house .I have been drinking every weekend but the past 3 months I’ve been drinking everyday .come home stressed out from work and thought. Well ita normal have a beer or two to relax . This has also caused me to have ulcers and acid reflux . I’ve lately been an angry drunk I would fight with my husband for no reason when I started getting drunk last week was it for me . It got to the point were I was sitting in a room crying because I could see how my addiction was breaking my relationship up. I decided to stop exactly 6 days ago. I have been having these weird nightmares and just wake up craving a beer. But I have to prove to myself I can stop . This has been such a hard week but I know I have to take it a day at a time . I’ve felt so ashamed and haven’t told anyone but my husband .

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