The friends we keep

Over the last month I have heard of two people I know who were younger than me who died from addiction. One from alcohol and one from drugs. The one who died from alcoholism always struck me as a someone who led a lifestyle that might lead to an early death but the one who died from a drug overdose didn’t. Hearing about her death shocked me really.

I got to thinking the one thing they both always had in common was hanging out with people who did drink too much or who didn’t mind drug use. Surrounding ourselves with people who enable and condone excessive drinking and drug use is dangerous. People like that really don’t give a shit about our own wellbeing and can lead us down dark paths.


Indeed. No rational thought to be found in those folks. I remember, I was one in my previous career.


My mother always said you’re only as good as the company you keep. :star2:

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I teach John Farnam’s “4 Rules of Stupid” in my personal self-defense classes. Avoidance is our first line of defense, and these rules go a long way in helping us avoid trouble. These rules are:

Don’t do stupid things
Don’t be in stupid places
Don’t be out at stupid times
Don’t be with stupid people

These are very applicable to getting and staying sober.