What are they? What does this mean? How would I go about identifying them with in myself.
From my understanding, it’s the idea that there’s different stages of alcoholism, from binge drinker to chronic.
Each stage is different as far as syptoms and behavior are concerned and so treatment for each stage is also different.
It’s a progressive disease that usually starts with binge drinking and ends with chronic if left untreated; not always, sometimes the progression is slower than the individual’s lifetime.
For example, when I quit, I was in between binge drinker and chronic alcoholic, I was drinking everyday to excess but my body didn’t require alcohol to function, therefore my withdrawals were mild (compared to one who is chronic).
For you, if you choose to explore the isms, think about how you used alcohol and put yourself in the stage you best fit.
Thank you this helps.
Unfortunately I am a chronic and have been since probably 16 years old. I was sober for 2 and a half years but I was pregnant and once I stopped breastfeeding I went right back to drinking! The withdrawals are so bad for months! The system can’t help so I’m trying to figure out how to help myself! Not easy. This year I’ve been 80% clean but getting to 5 months sober was insane and then got beat by a guy and went right back to drinking to cover up all the PTSD and to try to forget. I also use it to help me feel less pain physically, unfortunately I’m so far gone , or my body is, that nothing I’m doing is making me better. I wish I never drank! Or was taught that it’s normal