The little devil on my shoulder

Yeah thats what i like to call it…there are people in my life that are sensible…natural conformers and are happy with that and thats ok infact i often wish i was more like that…anyone else feel like they have a little devil on their shoulder like me? To try to explain what i mean…i do have a sensible side to me but where others may think they just wouldnt do something that may push the boundries slightly its out of the question i find myself quite often thinking why not? What would happen if i just did to see what would happen…for example when i was drinking…most people wouldnt dream of drinking on a morning but i did even when i wasnt addicted just because i could and wanted to purposefully go against the grain, i dont know what u would even call this…ive done it with a few things in my life, i wear alot of black clothing…my friends would tell me Kelly wear some colour…so i wore black even more…i dont know if its boredom, impulsiveness, lack of control or just a curious nature but its destructive at times…


I know how you feel and for me life is not as simple as conformity or non conformity. Conforming to set norms is really an indication of fear and wanting to belong to something for a precieved security. Your instincts to fight against this is a sign of individual strength. However its important to see the difference between positive thoughts and destructive ones. All thoughts are just thoughts so you have a choice about if you want to just let them go or hang on to them depending on if they are beneficial or not. Stay strong


Yeah ive never been one to follow the crowd unless i want to, it does get me in trouble at times tho so at the moment im trying to channel it in a more positive way, trying to feed my natural curiosity into things to aid my recovery and discover new things, im currently 33 days sober from alcohol so doing pretty well :blush:

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You never need to follow the crowd if you don’t want. But if you do something you don’t really want to do, just to be different to the crowd, there is actually no benefit for you to do so.

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