The moment that changed everything

That is so amazing!!!
Divine intervention at it’s best :heart:


@Kris10af1 I haven’t finished my first cup of coffee this morning and the tears are flowing. I am so glad you’re here. Thank God for your Dad, that is really beautiful.


It really is!! These are the moments that I will always carry with me!! :heart::heart::heart:


Awww hugs!! Im so grateful to be here and have all of your support, I’ve tried before and failed but this time it’s different. And you’re not kidding my dad is legit my hero the best man raised 4 daughters and has his own demons but he’s always been my biggest fan he may not be for everyone but he is my heart!!


I was the maid of honor in my best friends wedding. From the alter, I looked out to scan the crowd for my husband. When I saw him, I knew without a doubt that he knew what I had been doing. He had found out about what would be my final affair. I had to stay and be fun that whole night while I was crumbling inside. He took me back to my hotel and left me there alone. I remember sitting in the hot tub in my room and realizing I was likely going to lose everything I had built.

All I ever wanted was a man who truly loved me. My husband did just that but I couldn’t see it at the time. Since that day, we have both stepped up to meet the others needs and become much more honest when bad feelings are brewing.


My moment came after a long few months of my gf at the time cheating on me constantly, a meth fueled road trip, a 30day half hearted attempted at sobriety, a xnas alone and doing the same shit Every. Single. Day. But unfortunately, that wasn’t enough. It sounds silly to say this now, but it was a Joe Rogan podcast. His guest was David Goggins. His story was incredible. It resonated with me. His accountability for everything that happened in his life gave me the spark to start doing the same. While I was watching the podcast one of my roommates came down to my room and was using, and I was over it. Right then and there. I knew that this was the moment I’m going to change my life. I knew by me being able to be in the same room as someone using and not even flinching at it that I was mentally ready. After that point I started looking at myself in the mirror and begun to change the things about myself I didn’t like! While, I am still not perfect and will never be perfect I found the drive to be someone that my kids and myself can one day be proud of.


My bottom is when I stopped digging.


Your truly amazing… i love you too x

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Oh my goodness, this made me tear up😢

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It was such a powerful moment!! I get happy tears all the time now glad my story has touched some people!:heart::heart::heart:

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