The nailbiting thread

So, I’ve tried for a full day now. Ive had 16 resets with an average of 0.09 days between them. It doesn’t seem to get easier, but u guess that takes a bit longer than 30 hours. I’m still convinced that I can do this. But I can’t quit cold donkey or whatever it’s called, since it’s an unconscious movement

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It will take time for your brain to adapt to the new way of things, just stick with it and give it time and keep developing that awareness of the habit, trying not to be too hard on yourself. :slight_smile:


Now I’m just spit balling here, but have you considered wearing some thin glove liners? A little something to interrupt the subconscious tick?

That’s a good idea, but I don’t have gloves, nor money

I am nearing 1 day of not biting. I’m considering going until 1 day so that I know I can do this. But then getting rid of the dead ends to reduce future urges to bite. Would that be a good idea?

Hmmm, to get rid of the dead ends I would suggest using nail clippers. Like scratching an itch, I would imagine biting them off would refresh your urges all the more.

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If you get rid of them with clippers or a nail file, I’d say thats fine.
As long as you keep your fingers away from your mouth!

I’m failing miserably

I don’t have nailclippers :confused:

It really is fucking hard to stop biting yeah

It’s a good time to get some then! You’ll need them if you stop biting your nails :wink:

Yeah, guess so. Gotta wait for loan tho, since I don’t have any money

You can probably get them for a euro or two, it won’t take much.

Try using stop bite. A product in fingernail dept of Walmart. It tastes bad so you notice rhat you are biting and can stop. Apply 2 or 3 times a day. It should help and is very reasonably priced vs. Online stuff. Beat of luck.

I literally have €0,00

But I should get a loan in a couple weeks

I’ve used that so much, I don’t really taste it anymore :grimacing:

Gotcha. Gloves?? Lol.

Well, it’s up to you when and how to go about it. If it would help to get some clippers earlier, and if you are determined, I’m sure you can find a way before two weeks. Ask to borrow from a family member or friend, offer to take someone’s recycling to the depot if you can keep the refund, mow someone’s lawn, etc. Or maybe someone would be willing to just give you a couple bucks if they understand what it’s for :man_shrugging:

Just discovered my mom has some in the first aid kit in her car, so that’s covered

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Oh how resourceful of you, good job! :+1:

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Turns out there was a dead end left that I discovered 5 minutes before the 1 day mark… I bit :man_facepalming: