The nailbiting thread

I nailbite, a lot. I often have bleeding fingers because I bite the skin too. It has always been bad, but since I’ve stopped gaming it’s gotten way worse. For 10 years I have tried stopping nailbiting. It simply seems impossible. But so did never gaming again and I’m nailing it. Since this forum has helped me so much with maintaining clean time, I decided to try and quit nailbiting using this forum too. Wish me luck


Hey Dutchy,

Man I will join you on this. 31 and bit my nails my whole life, ever since I was a little kid. Same thing for me, often to the point of breaking the skin. Not a good look.

Tried to stop plenty of times, but only get a week or so, sometimes a bit longer. I stopped for a bit at the beginning of the pandemic too, but right back to normal after a few weeks.

The toughest part wil be that I don’t even realize I’m doing it most of the time, especially if I’m driving. Additionally, if I catch myself, its hard to stop right away, its always “I just have to get this last little piece cleaned up” etc.

So no more for me, too!


I know exactly what you mean, it could be possible I have already failed but I’m not sure.
And the last little piece thing is a pain in the ass for me too. I’ve had times that my nail was already bleeding and hurting like hell, but I just had to get rid of the last bit, even if it caused me to tear up.
My best attempt so far was in rehab, but then I just focused on not biting specific finger nails, so that they would grow, but the rest wouldn’t.
This time is different though, we’ve got this


That’s the worst…like the logical part of your brain is screaming “that’s going to fucking hurt if you bite at that bit hanging off”…but you do it anyways.

I’m in!


I am already struggling lol, this is gonna be a tough challenge to beat

Put bandaids on them… :woman_shrugging:

I’ve tried that before, but as soon as I took them off I’d start biting again. The problem with bandaids is that you don’t learn to fight the urge.
But thanks for the suggestion :smiley:

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I hear you!! I do the same with my fingers. Not constantly, but definitely more so when stressed. It can get painful when I keep biting at it even when it is hurting or bleeding…trying to get that little piece.

I appreciate you posting this. Thank you. :heart:


you gonna join us in this challenge?

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Shit, reset. Well let’s try again

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This is gonna be tougher than I thought

dammit, failed again. The annoying part is that i keep realising im nailbiting when its already too late


once again

i started 6 hrs ago. i already have 4 resets with an average of 0.08 days. :man_facepalming:
Nailbiting is so similar to addiction, yet so different. You dont really learn from a relapse, youve just got to push through the urge. and its easier to do it unconsciously because its not like driving to a store to buy booze, its just lifting your hand to your mouth.

I think I will start with being aware of when I am doing it and why. That will hopefully give me a little insight into it.

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Dont worry buddy, I’ve reset this counter 3x today too!

Since its a semi-unconscious habit, I think it starts with being more aware of it, and in the process, reducing it until it stops. Since I’m tracking it now and actively catching it, I become more aware. Its a start.


Yet another reset

First day, man. Just keep being aware. The less unconscious the habit becomes, the better we stand to stop doing it.


I really want to stop biting my nails

Tried everything and I still continue after a short period of stopping


This has always been a problem for me, but skin picking. That is, until I found recovery!

After two or three months in I looked down and realized my fingers were totally healed for the first time in as long as I remember.

I chalked it up to naturally reduced anxiety from being sober and working through a recovery program. I hadn’t been actively trying to stop picking, I just felt more relaxed.

Having noticed, now I catch myself when I start again. It’s a sign I’m nervous/anxious about something and I try to stop, reflect, breathe, take a walk.

Cuz something is gnawing at me and I rather it not be myself!