The Naked Mind by Annie Grace

I loved that book as well.
And Blackout.

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@anon13078412 I don’t begrudge her making some money, she has bills to pay, etc, but getting rich, no.
The 30 day ex. was a godsend for me. I finally felt understood, not alone, and much of the info was really new.
I am also interested in Drink and Blackout.
The books, not the activities.
Really done with those.

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Thank goodness for that. :joy::joy:
Everyone had to earn a living there is just a five line between that necessity and coining it in from the pockets of vulnerable people, add to that the fact that she had only actuator been sober for a few years and has plagiarized some of other people’s hard work and people are bound to get upset or at least have a strong opinion on the matter. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Although, I had some problems with some of Annie Grace’s ideas when I first read her book, I grew to enjoy other ideas of hers more and more.

Though I’m not an alchoholic, this book gets enough attention for me to have found it useful to read.


I am rereading right now. I find helpful and empowering. One more tool for my toolbox! Also, I just started the free 30 day experiment.


Just want to thank everyone for their comments here. I was just started listening to the Naked Mind and so far it’s helping me so I found it encouraging to come here and see the balance of everyone’s comments. Also all the other resources mentioned. This community fruly is amazingly supportive…thank you!