The Naked Mind . Is it worth the read?

I was just wondering if the book “The Naked Mind” was worth the money. Thanks !

tons of people on here speak quite highly of it. if you want to read the threads just do a search on it you’ll get many results. i believe there is a book club thread from this month on the book as well. your local library might have it free of charge if the money is an issue. :slight_smile:

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I listened to the book every night before bed. It is a little boring, but effective. Full of information. I think it is a great read for tbose looking to get sober.

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I started with her podcasts and were NOT impressed at all. However, I still reserved the book from the library and did find it very useful. I haven’t finished it yet but I plan to.

Personally I enjoyed Drink very much…but that is a book specifically about women and alcohol so I’m not sure you would get much from it. It is part memoir and part scientific. But even the science part is about women so…

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