The paranoia hits

Omg awful…. The paranoia…. I’m feeling very I’m not good enough, hoping this ends soon… double guessing my fiancée… why does he love me… what do my kids think of me… I’m not a good friend… all these feelings…. To try and keep my mind busy Iv just booked slots at swimming and the gym (purposely early morning, so I have to get up out of bed in the morning)


We can be our worst enemy. I’ve had those thoughts more than I can count over the years. Our minds lie to us. Just remember that you are loved and your worthy of all the good people in your life. You deserve to be happy! Enjoy your swim time :blush:

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From what addiction are you in recovery for…and how long have you been sober for?

Alcohol this is my first week trying to stay focused

Thank you xx

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Firstly…well done for making the wise choice to stop drinking.

So this makes sense. Not sure if anyone told you or if you have prior experience (and not knowing how much booze you were consuming for how long), but when you stop your brain starts to heal.

Medically speaking the “feel good” tap has been turned off when you stop drinking and it’s very common to experience feelings of hoplessness, severe depression, low mood, intense anxiety, etc.

The good news is this will start to dissipate to a large extent in the coming weeks. Lots of people find it unbearable and drink again but that solves nothing. I know it’s hard. I’ve done it myself. But if you hang in there and push through…it will get better.

Thank you so much x

You’re welcome. You aren’t alone. I am here to help…but you got this!!!

Happy to chat whenever or however.

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my early weeks thought people in planes were talking about me had it bad but it passed the more i went to meetings got on a program wish you well