The Physics Of Sobriety

We live in a world governed by laws and whether we acknowledge them or not, we are still subject and bound by the supreme law of cause and effect. Every thought, word, deed, and action sets off a wave of energy which in turn creates the effect, desirable or undesirable. Nothing or no-one is exempt from such basic universal principals that have mandated our existence here on earth.

Being relatively simple minded and always looking for the path of least resistance, I had to stop and think how these laws applied to recovery, and in turn, how to make them work for me in my desired effect.

Using the law of inertia as the cornerstone for my sobriety, I know that without a doubt if I can wake up every morning with the determination not to allow anything to disrupt yesterdays forward momentum that the effect will be continual and eventual effortless progress. The law of inertia dictates that ‘an object in motion will stay in motion, traveling in a straight line, forever, until something pushes or pulls on it.’ So by not allowing negative thoughts, actions, or influences to push or pull on my progress, the ease at which I am able to stay sober will increase milestone by milestone.

Of course to begin with this will be like pushing a 2 ton boulder uphill and not allowing gravity to take over and crush me and my progress, but as I continue to push through I’ll gain strength and endurance. With each step forward replacing the ‘I can’t’ with the ‘I can” and ultimately rewiring my addictive brain into one of peace and freedom from that which it has been enslaved.

I know what is like to plant the seeds of relapse and I know what effect that brings me- the law of gravity causing me to fall over drunk and on my @$$ time and time again. Today I desire a different effect. Total 100% sobriety with the path of least resistance starts with me, with my thoughts, with my actions.

THINK RECOVERED BE RECOVERED, think relapse, continue to relapse. It’s recovery based not philosophy but on physics.