The Power goes sober

Is this funny? Do you think this is fair?

Edit buys a “you”

There are plenty other groups out there, online or in person. I am in southern Germany and we have at least one other outside AA. I attended group therapy through my psy for over a year which helped a lot.


A guy came to the meeting on Saturday at his ‘rock bottom’ but was reluctant to quit Golf as it’s the only thing that he has in his life

The place where most of his drinking took place was after playing Golf- what do you think people advised him to do? He still argued he needed to play Golf

You need to be willing to make changes and put your recovery above everything else otherwise you’ll fail.

I’ve enjoyed reading through this post as it reminds me of the insanity of the illness. Really hope you get there mate :pray: :blush:


Your health and happiness are more important than your darts team.


I appreciate that you are sharing your journey so openly. I know for myself, it also took a very long time to find what worked best for me. I also did not find a program that felt like a good fit and no, I did not try all of them either. I do know for many people that eventually they find a program that works well for them and that is a wonderful thing. Not everyone will work a program however and that is a personal choice.

I too tried Naltrexone, which is something some people have success with and others do not. It is positive that you are trying different things and also that you are sharing your journey, setbacks and all.

I know it can be hard to read about someone’s experience and suggest things and then they don’t try those things. We all learn at our own pace and hopefully it doesn’t kill us in the process, but that is our own journey.

Once we have ‘made our case’ or suggestion, there is no need to continue to dogpile or continue commenting on it in someone else’s check in thread.

Please keep in mind that dogpiling is against the rules of the forum.

If someone’s journey is triggering us in some way, we can scroll by or mute or ignore. Please be respectful of people’s journeys and where they are in their process. Compassion and empathy for our selves and our triggers, as well as for all of our members is often warranted.


What sentence are you talking about you don’t have to do or say anything in AA
My advice is to start listening to some of these people for they have been sober for a few years and might know what they are talking about, a pill will not cure what’s in your head but but AA , therapy or any other kind of program might help with what really causing your drinking ,at the moment you have gone from alcohol to brenzos that not the smartest of move in my book

You sure you didn’t drink at darts?


Last thursday not, the thursday before i did.

I didn’t go to AA but I feel like I learned a lot about the principles of it from the forum and that helped me.

I also did CBT therapy, one to one, for a bit last year. That was for mental health in general rather than sobriety - although of course there is a lot of crossover and a lot of the stuff I was dealing with in therapy was similar to the stuff I was thinking about when I first stopped drinking.

I also started going to online Recovery Dharma meetings last year. At this point for me it’s more about being able to connect with others who have gone through similar struggles and share a similar outlook on life.

I’m glad you have your doctor to talk things through with and I hope the forum can be a helpful place in your recovery too.

I think the turning point for me was in understanding that, even though I wasn’t a daily drinker, on the streets drinking out of a brown paper bag or anything like that, I could relate A LOT to people who were in my mind ‘proper addicts’. I might not have ended up in jail, out of a job etc. But my drinking was a problem.

I had to recondition my brain to undo the lies alcohol told me. That it made me more relaxed, that it made me fun, that it made me more confident. What it really did was make me loud, obnoxious, argumentative. It made me black out, over share, hungover. It put strain on my relationships and made people worry about me. It made me spend soo much money. It made me waste so much time. Once I saw this as the truth, it made it hard to think of any good reasons to drink. Of course that didn’t mean it was easy - I had to learn how (and when!) to be in situations where drinking would have been my go-to response. But it did get easier over time.

Keep at it friend, you’ll get there!


The famous " I’m xy and i’m an alcohlic"

I just wrote a lot about what im doing except medication and i also mentioned that this benzos can’t be the solution. Please stay fair, thank you.

As I said you don’t have to do or say anything in AA , if you just want to sit and listen that ok and if you want to share and not say I’m xy and I’m an alcoholic that ok too , I’m just suggesting it because it has been a life saver for me

Thanks for your Feedback and the advise. Lets see how it works with the naltrexone, i hope its the right thing this time.

About forum rules, i try to do my best to stay nice and respectful. I just react when get provocated. And this user is doing this permanently, not only here, he does this in a lot of threads, mostly in them of new users. I don’t know why, maybe he’s bored or he feels better after bullying others. To be honest, i don’t care. But i can promise, i try to do my best to ignore him.

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Googled it, surprise, i thought this sentence is a must, like in all those movie scences. Learnt something new. But really, AA isn’t my thing. But if it works for you, perfect👍

How do you know if it your thing anybody in AA didn’t want to go at the start

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There a few reason, but the main reason is the religious part. Its a no-go to me.

Maybe its also interesting for some how much i drink. I started to note at September 1, 2019.

Explanation to understand: Units of alcohol are used in the United Kingdom (UK) as a measure to quantify the actual alcoholic content within a given volume of an alcoholic beverage, in order to provide guidance on total alcohol consumption.

For example: One litre of Beer of 5% ABV counts five Units, a litre of vodka (40% ABV) counts 40 Units. You should not drink more than 14 Units per week.

A lot of people in AA are not religious including me

What do you feel/think when you see those figures?

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There are several feelings. Proud about the gaps and the months with a low amount. But most of all, frustration. Its the same shit like covid 19: Every time you think you get it, there comes another wave…And there is no vaccination🤮

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