The sober life

A month ago I wouldn’t believe I could have so much fun without drinking. A little more than a month in, and I enjoy activities and experiences so much more! This weekend was huge, a baseball game and concert without beer. I had so much fun! Share your favorite experiences being sober out and about!


I went to a wedding a while ago, it was a dry reception. As soon as dinner service was over, most of the guests high tailed it to the hotel bar for drinks. I stayed behind and danced the night away with my wife and kids. It was a great time!


i play in a couple soccer leagues now. something i love dearly. i’d wanted to get back into it for a long time but was always isolating while drinking/using. it’s a blast ! :slight_smile:


Last time I played soccer I was still fat and drunk so I stuck to playing goalie bc I could do it fucked up (not well probably)


Hiking! Even backpacking.

In my drink I got overweight and weak. Those weren’t the things holding me back, just more symptoms of a bigger problem adding to my snowballing excuses.

I had been losing interest and desire in darn near everything. If it didn’t come to me I couldn’t be bothered. Ugh!

As the fog lifted, sobriety and change gave me back a desire to be in the world, exploring it with others, along with the physical fitness to keep up again. It’s back to the great outdoors with a couple buddies this weekend!


I used to adore running, and it’s coming back! I’m so pumped for upcoming races. Being able to train and get up early with a clear mind :grin:


I had a New years eve party this year. I invited my friends that are also in recovery. We played games, everybody brought some food and non-alcoholic beverages. I hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. I’m thinking of doing it again this year. Just because we’re sober doesn’t mean we can’t ring in the new year!


Got a few soccer stories ,from the States and Scotland used to love going to AA dances and conventions gave me a chance to wear my kilt let the boys swing free , Sheila and i off this week end to Loch Lomond A wee weekend away aniversery silver wedding Great being sober keep on trucking


Happy 25th anniversary Ray!! :heart:

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