The stench of alcohol

I struggle with activities with people who still drink and prefer to go drinking as the activity. I avoid it or tell them straight up that I struggle to be around that.
Does anyone else find the smell of alcohol really disgusting now that you are sober? I’m 630 days sober today. I actively avoided going to pubs and drinking holes in the beginning due to temptation. Now I feel sick, like throwing up, when I’m around that heavy stench of alcohol, even at parties, or if it’s coming off someone’s mouth. There’s also that hungover smell that I only started noticing since sobriety. I wish I had felt this way before I ever drank though. Anyone else?


yess the hangover smell or the smell of stail beer from a night be4

i had to empty half full beers in the bathroom after some of my buddies drank. no good


The smell of red wine on someone’s breath makes me want to barf. :nauseated_face:

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I didn’t noticed it yet!
But congratulations for you 630 days, that’s awesome :confetti_ball:

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I can smell it on my co workers breath in the morning, I’m sure its from the night before and I know its rum because my husbands breath smells like it at night when we go to bed. Sometimes it makes me nauseaus. I want to say something to my co worker but I don’t want to come across as rude. Bleh!

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I know all about that smell. My house smells like stale beer as it has been spilled daily in my house. My husband reeks of beer every day. Beer and filth. I leave my own home to escape the smell.

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I work at a bar, i kind of switch off/detach from it, as I’m surrounded by it so often :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Definitely. Wine is super sweet stinky. I hate being around it.

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Same! Red wine is the worst, I couldn’t stand the taste or smell when actively drinking either, so not sure it counts.

To OP, absolutely. I get somewhat repulsed by the smell of most alcohol when sober. Close talkers with alcohol on there breath or a drink too close will gross me out. Why I’ve relapsed so many times despite this, who knows.


Same. I hate the smell.

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agree. my gf was drinking whiskey last night. it was very potent and when I smelled it I got nauseous . brought back hangover memories. when I first became sober I needed to hold something in my hand at a bar like a redbull bc I felt werid without it

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Oh God :nauseated_face: A pub full of people on red wine and cocaine. That is an unmistakable smell I’ll never be able to forget.

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Ooh yeah! First of all WOW! You’re doing awesome and congratulations to you! The smell turns me of so bad. To the point where I get kinda mad almost at people I love who just don’t get it. It feels like they’re being actively rude on purpose…i know I can’t blame anyone for anything… that would be super hypocritical of me, but it’s such a horrible smell! When you can smell it coming out of someone’s pores is just like “BAAARRRRFFFF”! Keep on keepin on,tho! You give me hope for an actual future for myself. Alcohol really put my entire life to a stop and knowing you’ve hung in there for so long is crazy awesome! YOU GO GIRL/GUY!

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I haven’t noticed the smell since I’m not around people after they drink. But I notice I am sensitive to people buying it in stores. I never paid attention to that when I was doing it myself. Now I always try to guess how far along they are, and if they have a problem!


I’ve noticed I do this too, I’m aware of the people I spot regularly buying in my local Co Op and I always look at people and wonder if they are going to get pleasure from their purchase or they are just feeding the pain they are causing themselves by feeding their addiction. It really opens your eyes to how other people might be feeling


2 things
1 I wonder how other people didn’t smell it in me.
2 I do that as well @Shell, @Kareness.


The first friend I ever told (she’s a non drinker) about me being an alcoholic told me she already knew because amongst other things she had smelt it on me at school pick up, not my proudest moment! I always thought no one had noticed!


Yes! My bf still drinks and he drinks bourbon which I never liked anyway and I can smell it as soon as I walk in the house. And on the weekends when he hits it a bit harder, he gets that disgusting dragon breath that reminds me of my dad growing up. :weary:

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My son (he was 8 when I quit) used to tell me my pillow smelled like wine! Ugh, I probably didn’t bother to brush my teeth before bedtime! :money_mouth_face:

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In the Shining, Stephen king put it from Danny’s perspective as “a fine mist around his face” or something like that

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