The story of my life

So my story is I had a very bad child hood my parents fought all the time my father was abusive to me and my mother and brothers and sister then when I was 11 my mother left my father for another man he was good to us at first he bought us new things took us places so my mother ended up marrying him well his son was 32 years old and the night before my mother was to marry his father he raped me I was only 12 years old I was so scared to tell anyone so a few weeks went by and I told my mother she got so mad at me but anyways when I turned 13 I started smoking cigarettes then at 14 I started smoking weed and taking pills every once in a while at 17 I got married at first it was amazing then we had a daughter and she passed away I started doing drugs on a daily basis 3 years went by and I found out I was pregnant again with my 2nd daughter so I stopped the drugs all but the weed and cigarettes I had a healthy baby girl in 2011 well my then husband was very abusive and would always hit me and curse me so in 2012 I left him took my daughter and left well 3 weeks went by and he keept calling wanting to see his daughter so I broke down and let him keep her over night the next morning I want to get her and he had left the state with her he took the only thing I had and loved still to this day I haven’t seen my baby girl and it’s been 4 years almost 5 and as u can probably guess I got back on drugs but way worse this time well here comes the good part I meet my husband now in 2014 and got married right away dispite our 40+ year age difference and let me tell u it was the best choice I have ever made he treats me like a queen and loves me dispite all my flaws he has changed my life in so many was he got me off drugs and the streets and in church and most of all he has tought me to love myself I get to talk to my daughter on a daily basis now and I’m working on getting a lawyer to be able to see her but that’s my story thanks for reading


Good on ya! I hope you get to see your baby girl soon, stories like these prove to me there is a god, that he sent your man to help you. I was lost before I found my partner and gradually, through the years I’ve noticed he’s helped me so much,and made me want to help myself, he’s a god send. I hope everything works out for you, I really do. People should always be given the chance to prove they’ve changed.

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Thank u that’s right everyone deserves a second chance and yes there is a wonderful good and he has help and blessed me in more ways then I can count thanks for reading my story

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That’s amazing that you get to talk to your daughter and will eventually get to see her again! Im a mother too and can only imagine how horrible it must of been to have lost a baby to then have the other one taken from you. I don’t know how You did it! You have to be a really strong and amazing woman to get back up after being dealt the cards you were dealt with in the past. Good for you!

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Thank you so much but it was and still is very hard on a daily basis I fight with depression and anxiety to the point where I can’t even be around kids so I have my days but thank u

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