The Struggle Is Real For Me

I made a NY resolution in 2021 to go 365 days with no alcohol whatsoever. This resolution came about because I was heading down a slippery slope. Many times I would stop by a liquor store, buy Fireball shooters, and be drunk at home around my wife and kids. I did not like the path I was on.

I ended up going 380+ days sober throughout 2021 and into 2022. It was tough at first, especially from the social aspect with my friends, but eventually many of them privately shared their admiration of how I was able to do that and their desire to accomplish something similar. I believe it ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made for my family, health, and wellbeing.

Fast forward to today. About 60 days ago I began buying shooters and drinking them again. It has become what feels like a habit. The alcohol adds no value to my life, but I still find myself stopping by stores to buy shooters. I have been hiding it from my wife and family.

I have a great life. Wonderful and beautiful wife and family, great job, great health, but somehow I still find myself on this slippery slope.

This community was huge for me throughout 2021, and I am looking for support right now.

Thank you all.


I hate to break it to you but I bet your wife knows. We think we hide it well but continual usage starts letting old behavior and signs creep back in. Someone who knows you that well will see the smallest changes. Time to get busy on your recovery again. Are you willing? Do you really want to slip all the way back to where you were before? Why indulge in something that adds no value to your life and could seriously disrupt it? We are here for you.


Try a meeting might help wish you well


Thank you. You’re right with everything you said. And thinking that my wife may know, but yet hasn’t said anything, breaks my heart. I need to be better.