The Stupid Polls thread (Part 1)

Psyllium husk is my jam. I tell everyone that they should be taking it.


What in the hell are Psyllium husks?
I could google it but I prefer human answers :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


The husk of a pysllium :laughing::joy:

It’s soluble plant fibre which is used as a natural laxative. Helps you get regular and stay regular :raised_hands:


OK, thanks, but, I think I’ll give that a miss as I have the opposite problem and take Loperamide every day to stay regular, without any embarrassing incidents during the day :innocent:&:smiling_imp:

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Psyllium is great for regularity but also very helpful for those with looser stools/diarrhea, as it’s a soluble fibre and adds bulk to stool/reduces watery stool :poop: Also can help lower cholesterol. Just remember to drink adequate fluid/water if you take it (psyllium is also found in the common fibre supplement Metamucil)


I was faced with a lot of poop everywhere, also human so here is my question: which one do you prefer to step in?

  • Dog poop
  • Human poop

0 voters

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Although I’ve definitely stepped in human poop before. Fished it out of bathtubs, dumped it out of underwear, cleaned it off of walls, etc.


Should I have put adult (no own child’s poop) :crazy_face:

The thing was that I was so focused on not stepping into any of that that my eyes didn’t see this one coming. My head felt it.


Autsch! OMG this is gross. I pass this vote, that’s too much for me :rofl:


I’ve stepped in human, with bare feet. Between the toes, like a playdoh fun factory. We were camping and someone laid a mud monkey right next to the campground. I was young, like 11 or 12; scarred me deep.


Oooooooooohhhhhhh :scream:
I was really thinking it’s some sort of philosophical question. I cannot really decide. I stepped once in dog poop with Nike free. That’s no fun to clean. And of course in cat puke which wasn’t so funny either.


I’ve been diving deeper into adulthood by looking and learning about our finances. Historically, my Wife was the one who managed our money, filed our taxes, paid our bills, applied for loans and credit. I was usually along for the ride and to sign whatever papers needed to be signed. Lately, she said she was tired of being the one who makes all the decisions and has to take care of it all, she wants to not to have to adult for a while, so I stepped up and dove in.

Growing up, it was my Dad who did all this, so I got to thinking, how many couples have one person who manages the money? Let’s do an anonymous unscientific poll.

  • I manage the money
  • My partner manages the money
  • We both manage the money together
  • Neither of us really “manage” the money
  • I’m Single, so this doesn’t apply to me

0 voters


We are kind of in a similar boat, where I’ve managed our finances up until now as we shop for a house. Since my husband is the sole income earner he applied for the mortgage and has taken the lead on discussing with the bank. I’m here to support but I have to say I’m really grateful he has stepped up and educated himself in the process. So while I voted that I manage the finances alone, that is shifting. I still do the taxes and pay the bills :sweat_smile:


I think that is good that he’s doing that - I think that it’s important that both people get involved in the finances. I’ve tried before, but got overwhelmed and discouraged, especially when I discovered I couldn’t hide my drinking problem from the numbers, so I’d give up and disappear from the conversation.

Now that I have got nothing to hide, it makes it easier. It was eye opening too, not to get too personal, I found that my wife was paying the credit cards all wrong! I built a model in excel to show her that the way she was paying them would pay them off in 36 months - but using a different method, paying the same amount (total) - we could pay them off in as little as 8 months! She was stoked but embarrassed at the same time.

One last thing, it dawned on me, I have to know and stay within a budget at work and I know a lot about the companies finances, but not my personal finances… Now that’s crazy!! So I changed that. :slight_smile:


I am single and manage my money. :see_no_evil:


This is a great testimony, and I agree with you 100%. We sat down together and worked on some budgeting and it was awkward and a bit uncomfortable for me at points because we have never really had good budgeting habits and I felt responsible for everything - too much pressure. It’s much healthier that we are getting on the same page and feeling like more of a partnership. Thanks for sharing!
P.S. I wouldn’t categorize this as a stupid poll at all :wink:


That’s a great topic! In our relationship it was always me managing the finances and organizing life, I even did the book keeping for my ex. He had to learn to do his stuff alone and it was not easy for him. For me it was an eye opener how less money I need now living on my own again …


This was sooooo true for me in the past, also. But in my case, by managing our money, I could “hide” how much I was spending on booze. Glad that’s no longer a looming threat!


I must admit (but I am also here for this I guess) that I am jealous at times to read that you can actually divide tasks. Who is better doing this or liking this better.
I find myself in procrastination or doing it. Avoiding it. Being unwilling to do it. But since I got sober I somehow overcame my unwillingness went for counseling (Verbraucherzentrale), did an online course and now have some idea. I tend to forget very quickly how, why and when. But I do it.


I hear you. Ex and I were a really good team who complemented each other. But I have to say in hindsight it can be tricky when one always is responsible for certain things. In my case he had no motivation to care for his financial stuff (or for anything concerning money and administration) and I put myself in a place of learned helplessness concerning physical work. We missed the point to share resposibilities. From this background I applaude @HoofHearted and @RosaCanDo for your ways of sharing responsibilities and educating yourself resp. your spouse stepping up :+1: That’s a good and healthy way imho.