The temptation is strong tonight

The temptation is strong to gamble tonight. Holy shit it’s tougher than usual.

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Fuck the casinos and their online platforms

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play the tape through and remember all the reasons youre choosing to stay away from that stuff


I think it’s mostly boredom, and my addiction kicking back because I’m not making as much money as usual at work. I’ll go to bed sober tonight. No way I play again. Thank you guys


I play a free app i downloaded for poker that i can spend some time on that doesn’t involve me putting anything up, or play chess to keep my mind from getting back into that mode of thinking.

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I did that a lot when I was desperate to find a way to stop myself from gambling. It worked for a little while because it gave me a rush (not quite as intense as playing with real money, but still a rush) and ultimately it made me bored so I lost interest in gambling (at least temporarily). But now if I play again, even with fake money, I’m scared this is going to drag me straight back in…