The time is now - first AA meeting tonight

Hello. I have been here once before. In hindsight I should’ve stayed as it did help but I gradually found my way onto the slippery slope again. Binge drinking which leads to cocaine abuse is destroying my life and everything/everyone around me that I care about. If I have one drink, I have three, then 10, then the coke. The same story, every single time. I have made the decision to go to AA, attending my first one tonight. I’m a bit nervous to be honest. I had been making progress with getting back to boxing and a good solid exercise regime but every week or two, blam, back to square one with a vengeance. I must accept that I have to stop drinking forever but to be honest I struggle with the thought of that alone! But, a struggle is what this is so I’m ready to take this head on. So, here I am, day 1 of fully accepting that I am an alcoholic and taking back control of my life.


The same story, every single time

It still amazes me that I expected a different outcome for so many years. Good luck at your first meeting! You’ve got this :+1:

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Thanks! I’ll be needing all the luck I can get👍

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I attended my first yesterday. I am almost 48 hours sober now. I’m going to another tonight after work. It’s great to have support. The people in there are the most supportive people you will meet. They will listen to you and give you support. It’s very much like here but in person. I like this as well because you can look at it throughout the day for guidance and support.