The upcoming weekends plans?!

It’s race weekend, my ‘A’ race of the season. Swim, bike, run, contemplate nature and the amazing strength and frailty of the human body. By the grace of the divine, I am infused with love for life. Sobriety and the serenity prayer are a great foundation for physical training.

Leaving today for the race site, race tomorrow, Sunday with my sweetie meandering back home! Good luck on me!

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1/3 of weekend goals accomplished, and heading to dinner and Rascal Flatts

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Yes! I’m from Spokane and we got the house on CDA lake. My family knows I’m sober again so I know they will help me be accountable but the temptation is always there. I’m thinking I’ll be checking in here to maintain focus. Thank you for reaching out!

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Oh nice!! Dang it for the smoke today! But still always wonderful to be out on the lake. There’s a meeting on the beach downtown tonight at 8pm- over by NIC. I’ve been to their morning meetings in the church right by NIC and love them! Haven’t made it to a beach one yet but hear only great things about it. Enjoy your tome!

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