The upcoming weekends plans?!

Happy sober Thursday! Hope everyone has fun and sober weekend plans😊


Make sober poor living choices


I plan to take my dogs to the park, work on my front yard so it doesn’t look like a crack house anymore, take my kids out to eat breakfast, and repair the patchwork velvet quilt my mom made. I might even buy some stuff at the craft store to make a raccoon body for my long-neglected taxidermy project.

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I plan to catch up on all the things I missed last weekend, down with a stomach virus. Krav Maga in the morning, Dad/Daughter time in the afternoon, Sunday level 29 self-destruct workout, church, nap, and harvest some stuff from the garden.

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shoping for school to my son

Yard work, rascal Flatts Saturday night, hopefully get some :flags: in on Sunday.

That sounds fun!

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My weekend plans are to finish as much as I can of the house prepping and start gearing up and packing for camping on Tuesday for a week. Yay!!!


House renovations like most weekends this year… and probably until next year lol.

My nephew has his 1st soccer game Saturday so I’ll probably go watch him attempt to kick a ball.

Then Sunday it’s his 4th birthday party.

Should be an easy weekend to sober through :wink:

Wedding events for my brother begin. We got a house on the lake in Idaho and maybe going to a theme park. There is going to be alcohol. I’m sweating a little. Alcoholism skipped 2 generations and my brother and I both got the booze bug. We tend to get worse around each other. We are just party people at heart.
Only at day 5 of sobriety this round. Last round was a year. Ack! Going to do it, though. I can do it.


Keep a drink in your hand at all time, hopefully something alcohol free,makes this easier. Then whenever offered something you can politely pass. Good luck.

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My friend is coming over Saturday to hang out. And Sunday we will be going to my husbands grandmas house. We do it every Sunday since that is my husbands only off day, so she can see our kids.

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I want to finish a couple of books, work through some recovery stuff, and spend some time grounding myself outside. I also have my first volunteer experience in a long tome on Saturday, so I’m looking forward to that.


Im hopefully going to finish my book. I’ve been reading it for like 2 weeks which is unusual. Kids have been needy.

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Oh, I hope you find time to settle in with it! I need to start prioritizing it!

I picked up a shift to work late tomorrow night so I can’t do anything. But I submitted the form incorrectly and pissed like three people off and look like an idiot again. Saturday and Sunday will be a challenge but I hope to exercise and clean up my place that is still messy from being drunk.

I’m going to a metal concert with my 15 yo son! So excited. Haven’t been to a show in a few months! :metal::skull::metal:

[ EDIT: …AND I’ll be able to remember it the next day! ]


Are you going to be in or around Coeur d Alene? I live there so I’m sure you’re busy but if you need to catch a meeting I know where some great ones are! Have fun not too much though lol and be safe

Thats one of the things that helped me in the beginning of my Sobriety journey. I made reading a priority again and i was reading at least every night before bed and some during the days.

Im reading a memoir about an alcoholic tho. So maybe thats why its taking me so long. It goes from her journey to sobriety and has stuff pulled from other things in the past from alcoholics.

My weekend of making poor choices started early! Yaaay.