The urge is back

I am 29 days sober. I have been feeling great. But yesterday and today I have had a huge urge to go by a bottle and start drinking. Not sure why but I’m wondering what you guys do to help. I’m leaving in a few hours to a feiends house for a fire which I will be fine but I dont want to walk yo the store in the meantime. So anything helps. Or a site or even stories. Thanks guys this app and site has been a big big help. I will make it to 30 days but just a struggle today.


Always remember it’s not worth loosing what u have accomplished so far…


Here’s a story: One day I was 29 days sober and for whatever reason, I convinced myself that I could drink. So, I did and I kept drinking and drinking until I stopped. I don’t remember how many days, weeks or months later. Guess what happened then? I had to go back through days 1-29 and it sucked just as much as the first time. The End.

Don’t do it. Not worth it. Nothing changes, it doesn’t get prettier or more fun, or cooler. It starts right where it left off.


I should mention that episode turned into a 30-year miniseries called: “When are you going to stop doing that shit?”


It’s a craving but it passes… don’t let it win, you’ll be dissapointed in the morning!:wink:


Congrats on 29 days!

My best advice would be to read around the forum. Read about other people’s relapses and see how shitty they feel. Read about other people’s reasons to be sober and the things they are achieving in their sober lives. Some truly inspirational folk around here. Read about the hobbies and habits and distractions. Try the podcasts, the meditations, the books, the online meetings… Use the search bar if you’re after something specific :mag:

Here is a compilation of some threads (it includes links to other excellent complication threads)

And let us know how you get on! :blush:



Wow, I love that!


You’re an inspiration! Currently on day 4 here and the last time I had a drink, it was because I went to the store solely to buy a bottle. Never again. As much as I sometimes wonder why I’m all of a sudden choosing to not drink, I’m also wondering how my life will change for the better.


I know exactly what you mean. But the urge is all in your mind and it will pass. It can take some 5 min or some hours but it will go away. I know it’s mentally so tyring and really hard to beat but you will feel so proud after this. I can only beat the urge when I talk about it or write to someone else about it that right now I feel this… And then there are amazing people that talk me out of it. I learned I can not fight this alone. Congratulations on 29 days :two_hearts:


@EarnIt Well said!

I always play the tape when I feel like I’d like to have a drink. I don’t suppress the urge because it never really works too long before it appears again - stronger and convincing.
So I let myself to grab that drink in my imagiation. And then next one and next one (because it’s never about one, is it?). And I am creating all the story, based on my rich experience. About the whole drinking, not only about that few drinks at the beginning, but also about the other drinks leading me to the drunk stage, to the blackout, to the hungover. To the time which is exactly why I’m not touching drink anymore.
And this reminder always works for me. Any urge is gone with the relasiation that the idea of drinking is not as great as my brain tries to serve it :smile:


Play that tape all the way through. Sometimes these urges come way after we already mentally relapse, so we really need to be cognizant of that. I find some of these sober books help me get my head on straight. Even if just a few pages. Like Allen Carr or Annie Grace. Just to kind of put our head back on. A lot of people really find AA to be lifesaving. Not sure if you’ve given that a shot yet. However, reaching out here was a good move. At the end of the day, a sense of community with it here’s that get us is truly beneficial. Sending strength :muscle:

PS… I almost didn’t survive my last relapse. It’s progressive. Hugs.


Yes exactly. This is a huge step in staying sober. Playing the tape through

Thank you all for all the encouraging words. It helped alot and I can proudly say I am now.on day 30. Thank you




Halt means to stop, but also stands for


Usually and without fail, its one of those 4 things that triggers urges to drink. Identity which one is the issue and fix it. If you’re hungry, eat. If you’re tired, sleep. If you’re lonely, get to a meeting.

These urges may be with you for quite a while, but as sure as the sun sets, they go as quick as they come, they key is handling them properly.

Wish you well.

What is the tape that people keep talking about?

I had that struggle on Friday after 116 days sober. For me, the day went well, went to work got paid from that, went and did a side job for my business got paid from that and I felt good. Overall in the day, I felt really good that I thought man just 1 cold one right now will feel good but I know that if I do I 'll go back to drinking so I won’t do it, but it crossed my mind. Stay strong it will happen.

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It means play out how the day or evening will go if you drink. Start from the first drink and don’t skip over anything, lol. It’s like watching your movie of the night only you’re the star and the ending usually isn’t pretty, lol. Play it through getting too drunk, saying and doing stupid stuff, and then the hangover!!