The "Weed aint shit" attitude is so annoying

I highly recommend this as a means of exercise and stress reduction. Maybe check out the heavybag pro app for iPhone and Android. Solid audio and visual routines to follow along with.

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I completely agree. I see so many people in AA who still smoke. I dont judge anyones journey, but at the same time smoking weed isnt sober! This idea going around that weed is acceptable and your entire existence is better using it is bullshit. People have come to believe its perfectly normal to just he high all day. They say they are fine “because they have a high tolerance”. When Inwas drinking I had a high tolerance for alcohol but those same people would have lost their shit if I had been drinking beers in my truck all day. Its completely hypocritical to on one hand say weed is no different than alcohol, and thats legal, but then think you cant get addicted to it the same way you can with alcohol. Good for you on getting sober. Dont let anyone dicourage you. Youre going to be clear headed and living a better life. Keep it up! Im proud of you.


Thanks! I’ll check that out!

I really enjoy seeing everyone’s take on the topic of marajuana. Definitely an eye-opener. Thanks to everyone encouraging me in my first week of being off of it. It’s been damn tough, but all the words of encouragement and insight have got me through so far! Yall are the BEST!


Been detailing my truck to keep me busy today. How is everyone else doing today??

There used to be a bit of “you just haven’t tried the right strain bro” crew here, but this is a sobriety forum and weed ain’t sober so :man_shrugging:t2:. There are some people who are prescribed it from a doctor so that’s between them and their doc. Personally for me weed was highly addictive and fairly destructive in my life. I definitely support you not smoking.


I completely understand that. For me, it was at the point where’d I would smoke a bowl or two at lunch, go back to work stoned out of my mind, then come home and smoke more. I’d justify my actions wayntoo much. It’s a vicious cycle for sure!

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As I was climbing the ladder of drug use cannabis was the first drug I picked up at the age of 11,and continued to smoke it until my mid 20, s but for me there’s 2 types of addiction and there both as powerful as one another physical addiction and mental addiction, I was mentally addicted to pot, but our minds are such powerful things that it brought on physical withdrawal when I didn’t have it, its a gateway drug IMHO aswell. Your doing great and it really doesn’t matter what the drug is as we’re trying to recover and that my friend is a inside job. Have a blessed sunday.


Eh, I’ll say till my dying breath that marijuana is habit forming,

Anything can be addictive hell you can be addicted to cereal,

like you said Va just decriminalized marijuana, and now you smell it everywhere, just take a walk through Crystal City, you can’t turn a corner without someone smoking a blunt.

My favorite yet is how people think that now it’s legal, it’s a free for all, umm well no, an employer like mine who released a memo stating they are aware that marijuana is now legal however they still ban the use consumption or possession of it, and as a private employer in a at will state they have that right,

I remember as well as some of the older crowd how cigarette ads were everywhere, Joe Camel, the Cowboy, now it’s prohibited, but alcohol commercials can run free without limitations, I’m wondering if legal weed is going to do the same thing.

While the ban on marijuana was based on racism and xenophobia in 1937, it’s become a political point to gain votes, but the theory will backfire

The idea is to gain votes, and then tax the reefer you buy in dispensaries, but when the tax becomes to costly, it leads to another black market buy, marijuana can essentially grow anywhere, and if A regular Joe can cultivate and sell weed cheaper than a dispensary they’ll get the business,

Unlike tobacco or even alcohol which requires significant effort and up front costs for mass production a green thumb could have a decent size grow operation going for under 1k,

Sorry if I tip toed the political line, but I’m still a believer pot is addictive, and legalizing it is just another addictive product that’s fair game,


I agree on each and every point, sharing your predictions regarding what’s going to happen here in VA regarding the black market, prices, taxes, etc.

And my employer has also implemented a “we still prohibit it” policy.

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All of this. I’m on day 4 and its fucking hard. Yeah this the only drug I’ve ever done and I’ve been smoking since 2007. You would think it would be easy to quit because its just weed but baby the food, sleeping, nausea, mood swings, the emotions, the tears its like damn damn damn :rofl::rofl::rofl: I feel u hope everything is good with you :heart: