The weekend is

As I get closer to the weekend my urge is becoming stronger. I don’t want to relapse I’ve been clean for six days now. For the longest I’ve gotten wasted on the weekends but I believe that I am strong enough to get through it. Just venting stay strong everyone on love .


Plan your weekend and u can do this

I’m going walking Saturday and Sunday

And if i have to go to bed at 9 rsther than be tempted then so be it!

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Nights and weekends are my weak periods too. Come on here and chat with us. Do anything to stay sober that is safe and legal i make plans early in the mornings the next day so i know i have to go to bed early. Stock your fridge with plenty of tasty non alcoholic drinks. Make a plan. And above all else make the decision not to drink today. With the decision already made your mind stops rationalizing and negotiating. One day at a time


Getting through the first weekend is challenging but very rewarding. Keep busy and take it minute by minute when it gets tough. You totally can do this

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Saying no to an urge WILL not kill you. Giving in eventually will.

If you have to, live on here…read every thread…twice if need be. Make it out of the weekend clean, and it will get easier


You may try to break the habits, destroy the pattern of what is associated with the pleasure of getting wasted. It takes an iron will at the beginning but it’s doable.

I know that I didn’t set foot in Paris for like two years when I quit smoking weed. And even when I finally did, I never went back to the dealers neighborhood. It can be anything that help you focusing. Don’t put yourself, your will in danger so soon.

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Hang out on the Friday Thread! It’s a nice place to be to stay focused on Fridays:

Friday Thread #2

Take care and keep reaching out :innocent:

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