Things I’ve noticed in 16.5 days of sobriety.bloating anyone?

I’m much more productive. Somehow I have more patience. I have less physical pain, which was a big problem before I quit drinking. I could barely walk some days from back and hip pain. I’m hydrated, like TMI, I get up in the middle of the night to pee. I use to never get up at night to do that! One problem I have is bloating. It may be because my organs are hydrated but it’s uncomfortable and I hate it. Anyone else experience bloating and if so, how do I deal with it and how long does it go on for? Cheers to sobriety!!


Hi, I have been experiencing some minor bloating but my doc was opiates so I’m not sure if it will correlate with what you experience in your sobriety. It comes and goes my bloating it’s not constant. Whilst 16.5 days is a massive achievement is still relatively early for your digestive system evening out. My comment will bump your thread up and I’ll modify the title, then you will hopefully get some more replies from people with experience with your doc. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


I dealt with bloating my first month and peppermint tea helped tremendously. Good on your 16.5 days!!


Give it time, :blush: I’m not sure it could be your diet since maybe you’re eating more that your sober ? Not sure but keep moving forward !!


I’ve just gained weight since I stopped drinking because I’ve replaced alcohol with sweets. Have you been eating salty things? That may make you bloated. I agree that it’s still a bit early and your body is still recovering. Drink a lot of water. And then drink some more. :blush::sweat_drops: Water is your friend right now. Give it time. Congrats on 16 days!


I’ll definitely try that!

It seems me bumping your thread up and modifying the title worked!! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been drinking tea every night and often it’s peppermint. Helps with the sweets cravings too! Hopefully you won’t get those.

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