Think before you relapse

I’m here to tell you a true story, and one some of you may be familiar with yourselves.
So here it goes, there was a man who had a very shady past. He loved drugs mainly heroine and crack. He was in a vicious cycle with drugs and crime. He did plenty of time in prison and on his last stint in prison he’d had enough and decided to turn his life around.
This man came straight out of prison and went to a dry house. He did well, a model resident. He connected with the recovery services and complained a program, he helped with an allotment project and was successful at it, he got contact back with his children and helped with homeschooling and child care and supported his ex. This man joined a fellowship and had a sponsor.
He was abstinent for 13 months.
6 weeks ago he relapsed, he tried to get back into sobriety and failed after a week, he was dealing with mental issues and due to his relapse he lost his voluntary role with the recovery services, he lost contact with his kids, he lost his home at the dry house and went to a wet house and now he is dead sadly passing away from overdosing on drugs.
6 weeks it took from relapse to death he built his life up and lost it all so quickly. Addiction kills, why would you test your sobriety


Thank you for sharing Michelle. Very sad but unfortunately this is reality and everyone needs to read your post. We all have another relapse in us but not all of us have another recovery.


Oh my days, another beautiful soul lost to addiction :pensive: thank you for this post. I have lost two friends this past year to alcohol addiction.

We all have another relapse in us but not all of us have another recovery

Lisa this is sooo true. God bless that man and his family :pensive: Addiction is a bastard! Together we will beat it! Thank you for this post @RedDragon, everyone does need to red this. :pray:t2::two_hearts:


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been predisposed to alcoholism since the day I was born. My grandpa died of liver failure at 50, his wife was a recovering alcoholic my whole life, my uncle died of liver problems at 65, my other uncle is a recovered alcoholic, my brother is a recovering alcoholic, 2 of 8 first cousins are recovering alcoholics and 3 more are alcoholics. Both my other grandparents were heavy drinkers. Another uncle is a huge drunk, another uncle died young from whatnot, and once told me he drank a case of beer a day for 25 years. The list goes on. I got a dui at 21, was drinking alone happily at 25, excuse after excuse. Nice to see people with real stories and good reasons to stay sober for good.


This is sad :cry: may he rest in peace :pray:
A very strong reminder how quickly a relapse can take everything from us, within weeks - even when it takes years to build up our life, families and environment and it takes just weeks for it all to be undone and lost - including our lives.
