Thinking alot and need advice or answers

I would like to know what everybody’s higher power is and why? And how u came to find your higher power. Thank you.


I have many but my higher power right now is community and my own accountability. I have relapsed so many times, and what I came to understand for my own journey is that in those moments I wasn’t ready to heal, my pain was still too much.

I have put the work in now and am continuing to do so with commitment, dedication, and integrity and that is what has made the difference for me.

All the external perspectives, the science, the knowledge, and then it’s on me to find what works and use it with out excuse or complacency.


I have no higher power myself. But I envy people who do :blush: When my mom died 19 years ago I had a hard time and missed a religion ore spiritual direction I could adress life to.
Also with my addiction.
But instead of a higer power I found I could change a lot in my life myself by putting all the energy I had put in my drinking into my recovery.
So I gave myself 1 year to try myself to heal myself. I couldn’t do that all by myself so I found this app and the people in it to assist me :sweat_smile:
I couldn’t have done it without it.
So no higher power for me but a group of people in the same boat who can give me advice ore mirrow my actions. It works for me!

Maybe my higher power is my determination. I have a little burning flame inside that always says: never give up. My determination is a big part of my recovery, that and willing to try everything.


My higher power is God. He is always with me. God has has done so many things for me during my 60 years on this earth.
Have a good day


We are made of the same elements and atoms as the stars. We are physically connected to everyone who has gone before us on earth, and everyone to come. The stuff of stars is in us.

There is an organizing principle underlying all. There are levels of experience I seldom tap into and some I cannot. Like the fact that humans cannot see light in the ultraviolet spectrum, we cannot see beings or energy on other planes.

But when I go to an AA meeting, there is a vibration there, a palatable glow, that only arises with our sharing, that only exists in community.

Human ideas about a higher power tend toward describing a super human being, because that is our frame of reference. There is a higher power, it is within me, like @SoberWalker says, it is between us, it has always been and always will be, and I am not it.


My higher power is something greater than me ,i found that when i did the steps


I have had a variety of HPs over the years. I was first introduced to the idea of a HP thru 12 step meetings when doing the steps. I believed in angel cards and crystals and then thru working with my other supports at the time, my HP became Creator as I practiced the aboriginal culture (smudging, medicine picking, ceremony, sweats, singing and drumming etc). The term God was really hard for me to use and come to terms with. I used to say Good Orderly Direction for GOD. Basically doing the next right action. Then just around 2 years ago, I was brought to the idea of God as I understand him. And that (for me) was what made the greatest difference in my recovery. My 2 years clean and sober will be in Feb and I honestly could not have done this without my HP.
I dont consider myself religious tho. I do consider myself spiritual. Just like the saying goes:
Religion are for those that dont want to go to hell, whereas spirituality are for those that have been to hell and dont want to go back.
And I resonate with this so much! When i think of my HP, i think of all good characteristics. My HP is compassionate, supportive, loving, provides guidance and things like that.


I don’t have a higher power. I came to that place over many years of living. I was raised Catholic and left the Church in 1980 after they would not baptize my daughter as I was not married. I believe in energy and the universe and my self and the collective unconscious. Do what works and feels supportive for unique you. :heart::people_hugging:


My higher power is Jesus, not the modern church, but Jesus. I’m super blessed to have a community of other people who love Jesus, and want to see me succeed.


Honestly, i want to know the same thing. I struggle with that everyday. So please i need advise too


For me my higher power is a force that is greater than me, i dont fully understand it but i think it reveals itself sometimes in the unexplainable…those times when you are just in the right place at the right time or you meet someone who is meant to influence your life (or theirs) somehow, a thought you might have from knowhere that turns out to be right, a song that comes on that reminds you of someone dear, the kindness of a stranger that lifts you up, your own concience that guides you to know what is right and wrong…i believe all of that sort of thing is a higher power at work xx


This is something I struggle so deeply with. Not because I don’t want to believe something more, but bc it’s just hard sometimes when you see all the stuff going on in the world. So I really don’t have any crazy answers, I just believe in being a good person and doing the right thing is a higher power in its self. Don’t do things for my own selfishness, I do things out of the kindness of my heart because it’s right. I also believe in just trying to see the good and gratitudes in everything I can.


It’s an interesting question that many struggle with I assume and I certainly know I don’t have any concrete answers, just what I believe.

I’ve never been a religious man, but I believe the goodness and higher power is within us all. Helping others, offering support, lifting up and not be judgemental. Being kind, when it’s hard to do. Turning the other cheek and offering the olive branch. Life is too short to live another way imho.

Then there is the all powerful Mother Nature, that controls everything in this physical world that affects us I think, and I try to listen and look for her clues to ensure I can be as prepared as possible and to live as harmoniously with her as I can.

I’m not sure if there is any one higher power, I think it resides in each and every one of us. This world will be what we do to support it, and the people will reflect how we all treat each other…

Well that’s just what I believe.
Best wishes


My higher power is something I came to name outloud in my own way asking for insight and support. It often comes when I seek help questioning my path, it’s a constant ever growing process. I call to it when I need help to find sanity. It mostly comes to me in nature where I find answers in its beauty and provides in its presence or speaks to me when I’m suffering.
Call it your God, call it anything that resonates as something unconditionally will accept what is hurting or hinders. I lean on it every day.
Someone suggested to write my characteristics of God, my HP and what it could or might offer, how it would help guide me. Turns out my list is constantly every changing. My HP will always be with me, as with my sobriety.
Our faith is such a personal trip, different for everyone. But to have something you can give your whole being too, it lessens the load. Ie, I found a stone the shape of a heart on a really tough day, I collect them too. I was distraught but when I held that rock thanked my HP I was able to zero in on answers to my questions if that makes sense.:dizzy:


i have 2 1 i thought of when i was away at a treament center some time ago. i choose the sun .sun being even if it rains or night time its there is always gonna be light amd the sun will never go away … 2 is spiritual when i was in active addiction it it was god was to blame for alot of the bad things that have happen to me and just really actually having a good balance of spiritual belief


I used to combine religion with addiction recovery, but as time went on I relapsed again and again. Anymore I’ve started to realize that self love, self compassion and self respect play major roles. You must love yourself enough to fight for a better future. You must have compassion for yourself to forgive yourself for your past mistakes and missteps that led to your addictions. And you must respect yourself enough to care for your body, mind and spirit. Those things are my higher power.


I realy like that. I can see that as a higher power.

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When i first came to this site it was out of absolute desperation because i was rock bottom, my alcohol addiction had taken just about everything and i was facing the prospect of losing my beautiful daughter…i didnt know it yet but i needed help from those who would understand what i was going through…i already had this app for the timer but that day i saw the little symbol for the community…clicked on it and poured my heart out…that was when my healing began…i do not think me finding this place when it was exactly what i needed was just a coincidence…