I slipped up over the weekend and posted about it. My post was deleted. Nothing offensive one bit. I posted in relapse. Is this not what it’s for? Hopefully someone reads this before it gets deleted.
Continuing the discussion from Drank last night and today:
Are you talking about this post?
I don’t think the app is bs. I’ve found it really helpful. Don’t know why a post would have been deleted. I had one deleted that wasn’t appropriate for the thread but I got a message from moderators explaining why- I imagine you would have had one too. How are you doing now?
If so, it was moved to the seeking help section, since…as I read it…you were still under the influence.
I am not the one that moved it, however in the past I have moved threads to that are.
@Lightyears6 , if this is the case you can’t see that section unless you opt-in, so that would explain why it appears to you that your post got deleted.
I’m ok! It’s against the rules I guess. I’m not trying to trigger anyone. This just isn’t the place to admit failure. Good luck everyone.
Your post was moved to the seeking help category and you got a message explaining why and how to access it. Not sure why you have not read the message, or when you did read it why you are reacting as you are now. Success and take care.
There’s a specific section utilized to post while under the influence, which you admitted to being in your post. In review of said post it was moved to Seeking Help with a message sent to you describing the Opt-Out in procedure.
On a recovery related note, playing the victim is very typical of someone who has just relapsed, which seems to be where you are at. Acceptance is the answer. You aren’t being singled out because you relapsed, or even because you violated forum rules. Your post was simply moved and you did not do your due diligence in figuring out why. Instead you came here acting like this, which is probably not helping your situation at all. Something to think about moving forward.
every other post on the board is relapse related, so i definitely don’t agree that TS isn’t a place for admitting failure.
I feel offended when this header says TS is bullshit.
when you think so, just fuck off, delete the tread, remove the app and leave the forum.
I hope u have read and understand now that it was just moved per the rules, and u couldn’t see it.
I guess you were feeling vulnerable and rejected and lashed out. Which many people have done, I know I have.
The important thing is to move on and get sober.
This guy is still in active addiction. He clearly didn’t think straight when he made this and other comments and posts. I hope at some point he will take responsibility for his actions. I don’t think he can now. And please don’t take it personal. He’s lashing out from a bad place. Not saying any of this is any good bc it isn’t.
I’m just going to say, I love this app. Because the app, for me, is the people. Not to be contentious towards lightyears. I think TS offers so much to those willing to receive those offerings. Those who choose to put away their doc and find a new way.