This is a first for me

Ok, so has anyone else experienced physical withdrawals from marijuana? I’ve quit a few times before and never experienced what I’ve experienced today. Hot and cold flashes. I mean these flashes are intense. I’ll either be covered in sweat or shivering cold. Also, my emotions are out of whack. My anxiety is way up but I’m coping with that ok. Just wondering how long these flashes will last. I’m hanging in there!!

Not something I have experience of but have added some tags to your post to hopefully make it easier for others to find and help.

You could also try using the search :mag: to see if it’s been discussed before.

Hope things even out for you soon! :hugs:

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I will definitely do that. Thank you!

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Yep. When I quit (still drinking a lot tho) I definitely had physical effects. Body aches, lack of appetite, insomnia, irritability, etc. It wasn’t as severe as other withdrawals but still not fun to deal with