This is embarrassing

I was eager to quit adultery for good because this app made me happy since it counted days. Sad to say, I relapsed after five days although the first three were fine. I don’t know what to do, I feel terrible as if I’m stuck. I know why I’m relapsing but I can’t do much to help it.


Relapses aren’t something what make you awful. It just shows off that you need to process some trigger, so next time you don’t have relapse. You’re strong, I believe in you. :people_hugging:

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I don’t understand why you can’t do much to help it. Are you working a program? Any outside help such as a therapist? We all have choices and we’re all responsible for own recovery. Tons of resources available on this forum and in real life, but you have to have to the willingness to seek help and take action.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.


Well, addiction , whatever the flavor, is a powerful thing. But you are here, you are trying. That means something. Do take a look at your toolbox and see what you’re missing. Then get more tools. Have you read Dopamine Nation by Dr. Anna Lembke? Might learn more about the dopamine cycle that keeps you stuck.


It’s another personal issue which I consider minor enough to not mention in posts and is quite the opposite of addiction

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Do you really know why? Do you really want to stop?
In your own words, why are you relapsing?